In the following Q&A, the Seer comments on a prophecy she shared from her personal journal one year ago (May, 2022). She had said:
The greedy ones who are on the point of succeeding to create another simulation within the present simulation we are already in, will succeed only if the absent (as yet uncreated) neutral (made from energy) field isn't formed by July 27th, 2022. The neutral field is the destiny of the Original Ones to create.
And added that the 20 Principles of Hope needed to be lived by the godbeings in the flesh to prevent such a scenario.
The Neutral Field
Although you had said that we had successfully created the Neutral Field, observing the force with which (especially since December last year) the presence of AI technology is infiltrating everyday life, I am wondering if there isn't more that we should be doing to reclaim the self sovereignty of man?
The Seer:
First of all, you have incorrectly assumed that "the simulation within the Simulation" is the presence and the rise of AI technologies. Although that is a very serious issue, it is a separate issue. Here is what those words were, in fact, referring to: simulation (additional hostile interference) within the Simulation (i.e. within the holographic reality we call our every day life).
The Seer's Explanation
Without going into the deeper explanation of why what you regard as your everyday reality is called a "simulation", let's just regard the life you are living upon the stage of life, as a stageplay.✶ The storyline of life unfolding has been hijacked from the original, intended by the Infinite One for individuated life. (Something that was permitted to happen because the Infinite, intending to learn about existence by watching Itself in the mirrored world, found that self-learning can take place not only by watching what one is in the mirror, but also from observing what one is not.) This brought about the fascinating realization that one can actually form what one would like to be by embracing some qualities and discarding others.
Seer's Note:
It is the principle of choosing what one is versus what one is not, that birthed the formation of intelligence.
The Instrument for Course Corrections
Although the interference by a group of beings — millions of years advanced beyond man's digital capabilities — has been permitted to happen for many more reasons than those few mentioned in this answer to your question, a course correction is needed from that intended by the creators of the simulation. Here is why they (the simulation creators — let's refer to them as the SC) were intending to increase the opposition for humanity and why the Infinite's instrument for course corrections (the Original Ones) were sent to Earth to stop them:
A Very Dysfunctional Elder
It has seemed incongruent to me that humanity is the root race – the parent race – of star races, but are millions of years behind them in most areas of development. They are regarded as the youngest and most undeveloped cosmic race. It seemed that as the parent race, they should be the oldest — the representative of the cosmic subpersonality of the Elder (also called the Sage). Here is why humanity has been a very dysfunctional Elder subpersonality:
The SC's simulation applies to the entire cosmos, not just the Earth. Of all the races, only humanity has the inner power to overthrow their control of cosmic reality. That is why they (the SC) have caused major global cataclysms to wipe out life on Earth each time the civilizations reach a certain level of development. During these cataclysmic events, the magnetic fields were lost and all human memory erased. This is the largest conspiracy of all. After each cataclysm, mankind had to start their development and social evolution all over again, unable to remember what knowledge had been gained before.
Mankind is again at the point of development where the SC would usually (four times before) wipe their memories and civilizations out. Their first attempt (a meteor strike) would have been in December of 2012— but the Original Ones not only postponed the event by lengthening time, they altogether prevented it. Several unsuccessful attempts by the SC have been made (and thwarted by the Original Ones) since then; the last one was an attempt to wipe out humanity through a pandemic.
"The simulation within a simulation" that my prophecy in my personal journal was referring to, is the SC's realization that they were failing to wipe out humanity as previously planned, and their subsequent decision to apply additional natural disasters to try and starve or in other ways destroy humanity. The SC realized that more drastic measures were needed to destroy humanity and their environment.
The Seer
The AI Threat
I made the incorrect assumption because the Simulation is also AI. You said last year:†
"The original reality that the Infinite created as a mirror image of Itself, was a heart-based reality only — it had no mental field. In the attempt to individuate Itself, the Infinite One couldn't tell what was missing because It had no frame of reference outside of Itself. But in observing Its creations at play (endowed with freedom of choice and the ability to make "mistakes"), the Infinite could experience that which it was not — the creation of artificial intelligence."
"The Infinite learnt about intelligence and a mental field by observing artificial intelligence, and saw that it could bring gifts (such as discernment, deduction and reason, for example) to the otherwise infantile mentality of cosmic life. The simulation is the artificial mental field of the cosmos, allowed to remain in existence, in order to teach through experience. When the lessons of an artificial mental field and its flaws have yielded all possible insights, it will foreseeably be replaced by that which is an authentic expression of mental capacity of the Infinite. Until then we have much to be grateful for."
The Seer:
Yes, that's accurate.
So – to be sure – we can accurately describe the Simulation as AI, just on a different level than the current "AI threat" on the planet (which technically really isn't AI, but does represent a threat in terms of replacing human jobs, etc.)?‡
The Seer:
Still, I feel these AI technologies are doing something to my eyes. Is there some kind of infiltration? Does this happen via the fascination you alluded to?§
The Seer:
As previously stated, you must use the sigil on all devices, at all times.
✶Check our posts tagged with #The Simulation
†Refer to: The Artificial Mental Field of The Cosmos
‡What nowadays passes for "AI" is just machine learning – i.e. pattern recognition – that possesses no consciousness (and sounds far less exciting than "AI"). Of course, its evolutionary rollout may be presided over by the actual AI, but that's a question for another day. ~Rogier
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Kelshall says
Why is the control of cosmic life so important to these advanced beings. Is there inihalition inevitable based on earths natural development?
Alex says
At one point was humanity aware of the simulation creators and did they know that they had to try and eliminate the simulation and live from the Infinite's original authentic reality?
Richard P says
Something weird, talk about erasing magnetic field😄 Not that I'm worried but starting approximate;y two days ago, my Amazon account doesn't remember me. There is no record of past transactions. I read an email message yesterday, probaly sent a bit before this memory erasure, that a recently purchased item is about to be sent. When I follow the link to the order page it says I haven't ordered anything in the last three months!! To verify the transaction there is a record of a pending payment to Amazon on bank records. I find this synchronous with the memory wipe aspect mentioned in the above post😄
Sarah says
Something I just thought of as a possibility for the eyes, as I've had eye irritation and blurriness too, in cities they are leaving chemtrails in the sky, what being released I'm sure could cause irritation in the air, but also specifically causes minerals to be depleted which leads to the body not absorbing water properly even if you're drinking lots of water, and eye irritation and blurriness can also be caused by dehydration. In my experience, I've had dehydration even if I haven't shown the typical signs in "dehydration tests" like pinching the skin.
cec says
Rogier Interesting that I'm not the only one with eye issues…my eyes were the same for 20 plus years and then suddenly vision would change in both, then sight got permanently blurry in the right eye for no reason…it developed very quickly a cataract which has to be removed. So it has felt like I was living in two different realities at once because both were in a different focus. I just surrendered to it.
Alex says
"Their ludicrous attempts must fail because it is not in alignment with Infinite intent"
Derek says
The Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
Derek says
The Architect: I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.
Rogier says
Also 'The Matrix' is a transhumanist-gnostic parable that is the spawn of the worldview of the planetary controllers.
Derek says
"the first time I played the trilogy, I was shook. The paradox between free will and destiny. Are we all just algorithms doing what we're supposed to do or can we escape our programming?
Genius, inside the context of the game, bee tee dubs.
Hey, did I tell you it took over my life? Yeah. I failed the seventh grade. Your game almost ruined me."
Dhani says
This is such a great exposé. Most grateful for the question and the answer. So great that we are making tremendous advances to bring together Infinite's Intent for our beloved planet and life on Earth! Nice to see it all laid our here in once piece.💓💞💕💚🧡💛🩵💜💙
Jana says
I do experience similar feeling as Rogier is describing, that AI technologies are doing something to my eyes. I am mainly feeling this when I am using the laptop, because I don't not use cellphone. I never experienced this before, only in last one year or so and I do have the PS to protect against the AI harvesting and draining energy under my laptop. So, we need to place this PS on every device in our home in order to be fully protected?
I try to limit my time on the laptop, but sometimes I work online, and some days, I have to go sleep with the EMF t-shirt on my eyes in order to release "that straining, or draining feeling" from my eyes. I find that the EMF t-shirt helps, but it is very uncomfortable to feel this straining, pulling or draining feeling in the area of the eyes. Sometimes it happens if I am using the lap top even just for a few minutes, just like right now.
I do recall that Almine said in one of the post, but I cannot remember which post was it, that we should stack other Powersigils, on the top of the PS for protecting against the AI harvesting and draining energy. If someone knows which PS's to stack and maybe share if they find it more effective please?
Ciara Young says
I wonder if this may be just more the incredibly damaging affect that looking at a screen has on our eyes at all dear Jana? And how it drains energy through the eyes into a simulated technolohical world. I've always experienced this, long before the advancement of the new AI tech.
marli says
This is deep information presented above!
I am amazed at Rogier's level of understanding of
Almine's unfathomable material. His devotion to
acquiring knowledge and making sense of how things relate
to our current situation is Inspiring to me.
Thank You!
Alex says
What are a few practical examples of becoming more self reliant. Ex. "instead of "this" Do "this" type of examples would be very welcome 🙂
Lena says
Brain fry🤯
Thank you so much Holy Mother for this deep insight here.
I must reread avain.
What I found most interesting, the OOs prevented a wipe out in 2012 which is the exact date I traveled here from altea.🤍
Barbara Kathryn says
Golly! You came at the right time: the nick-of-time. Of course we each came at the right time 🌞 I came in 1951…it was a lonely planet. However, now I can really feel that the heat's on. Then it seemed like a stage play and I was the heroine lol. But the moving finger has passed through Shakespeare to the theatre of the absurd.
Bon courage to us all!
Lynette Ruest says
This is fascinating deep information. Thank you Rogier and Almine. There is much to digest but at the same time not difficult to understand. 💜
Ciara Young says
I'm very curious to hear if indeed it is presided over by the actual AI.
Thank you so much for this highly detailed information!
Alex Murray says
Thank you Rogier and Almine. I deeply appreciate this information.
Sarah says
Yessss. I've seen a good portion of the plans that were supposed to be upcoming, it's a pretty big list, many that has not yet been mentioned here even. Lots of evidence of it in early stages, I've occasionally spent some time studying it, but have had to be careful not to get caught up in the "dramatic" effect of it, because it's quite mind blowing, HOWEVER, what I have also observed, is a new sort of Awakening of humans at larger numbers than I've seen before. They are educating themselves and others and slowly broadening their borders of what they can handle, so they don't loose their minds as easily as they used to – I assumed this was from the work that we have been doing. I see the changes being reflected all around, and thats how I've been okay looking at such a seemingly dreadful future, because I also see it unraveling from underneath – the foundation of it seems to be slowly loosing momentum and stability and so after studying it I push myself forward to continue self impowerment, self trust, and to continue doing the work we do with overwhelming heart, mind and innocence in each new moment, creating anew, not just for myself to have an impact, but for the people around me to have an impact as well, because they do better, If I do better, and then we all influence together ❤️.
One last note – I feel like maybe some original ones underestimate the importance of protecting the sanctuary of space around them and their stability (mostly in my observations, because they don't understand fully how great they're being impacted and they just try to shove through it the best they can). I may be wrong, but I am almost certain that something knows the effects we have to change the future, and if I was lining up puzzle pieces, it would seem like things are occurring in sabotaging ways – so if anyone else is experiencing this I just want to send a reminder that, it only holds power over you if you let it, if anybody has seen the movie Labyrinth with David bowie, there's the scene at the end where she's like "you have no power over me" and everything starts to change – like that. You can do this. You don't need to try to be good enough, you are, you just have to adjust your perspective to see it, repeatedly if needed. Hold your confidence and know the space around you, and your loved ones is sacred and any moment you forget, remind yourself and move forward again with strength ❤️ You are the foundation of life around you.
Hunt says
THAT'S IT! The only few words you will ever need as tool to eradicate darkness. "YOU HAVE NO POWER OF ME." and "YOU CANNOT CONTROL ME." The only other things required to shatter the illusion is awakening and the unshakeable belief behind these spoken words.
I read your entire post, you speak of some interesting things. Definitely food for thought.
Gio says
I have been fascinated by this beautiful work that they wrote here Gracias Querida Almine and Rogier
Reminds me of the Disney Eternals movie.