In my dream I saw a crowd partly consisting of humans and part Original Ones. (This refers to the splitting of the Original Ones into two groups 1/17/2023 – those living according to the human grid and those living according to the godbeing’s grid.) The crowd was attacked by two very large mosquitos (there are two significant ways in which energy is being drained from both humans and Original Ones — the Internet, gaming included, and cell phones.) I said to someone standing beside me, ” I wonder why the Original Ones are being attacked too, I thought it was only a problem for humans.”
The being beside me said, “you are right. That is why Almine gave you the Rivetten deck.” The being repeated, “you must use the Rivetten deck.” And I was shown a piece of paper with runes on it, which he explained was the Rivetten deck. I looked at the runes and they were incomplete — only the left half of the paper was covered with runes. Then I woke up. (The runes are only half of what’s needed.)
The Seer:
The dream’s information is helpful for Original Ones as well as for humans. The energy drained from the users of cellphones and the Internet (especially gaming and porn and fear-provoking features) is being used by AI to energize itself to become self-sovereign. Such a dystopian future was definitely one of the possible outcomes of the future that I’ve seen in visions. The most brilliant minds on the planet have deduced that such a probability exists, as well.
The ‘runes’ the being is referring to, is the Alphabet of the Gods that I received a few years ago.✶ They are not to be used the way the runes in our Runedecks are, but as follows:
The solution against having your energy digitally harvested and drained (lower energy means lower consciousness) is a powersigil combined with the Alphabet. Place the powersigil under your computer with the Alphabet on top of it. A reduced version of these images can likewise be glued or taped to your phone. The powersigil would be the closest to the phone and the Alphabet of the Gods goes on top of that.
Do your Light Explosion Protocol before using those during your day (the protocol once in the morning should be enough).
Seer’s Note
The word Rivetten is a word used by the human population of Mars to mean “Holy Ones”.

Powersigil to Protect Against the AI Harvesting and Draining Your Energy
The agenda to replace the design of human (and gods) life with artificial intelligence, shall be confounded. For foolish as newborn babes are humans. And although they are charmed by their new digital “toys” they shall find their wholesomeness in self-sovereignty. Let the deep satisfaction of self-reliance replace their fascination with all things artificial. Turn your eyes away from that which enslaves your minds and let nature provide a healing balm for your hearts and minds.
The Seer
✶The Alphabet of the Gods AKA Divinity Quest.
Hi Rogier! Please would we be able to clarify with Almine; in terms of creating a device to attach to a mobile phone for instance, do the Eskaragot need to be stacked in alchemical order, or could they theoretically be laid out side by side (such as in a square of tiny images)?
Thank you!
I had a lucid dream (not a dream at all) that I was sitting in front of Almine at a small table somewhere in a busy area .i.e a marketplace. Almine had a deck of cards and was laying out three in front of me. I can’t remember what she said to me (a piece of advice) but she was trying to help and I felt something was blocking it. And that’s where things were cut short. I feel that something dark had intercepted the exchange and taken from me whatever information Almine had given.
Does anyone know if the Divinity Quest Sigils are the same as when they were initially introduced in 2013 or have they changed?
Hi Lin, yes they are the same as when given originally.
Does this include using i.e. a laptop for writing a book/novel? There’s zero internet required. Otherwise its going to require a LOT of paper…
I’m curious about what in the programming of the internet makes it addictive. I sense that something changed around 2012-2013 on a subliminal level that made it much more problematic, even outside of the realm of social media or scrolling platforms. The pornography seems to have wormholes attached to it that siphon the life force. Do other websites have this too? It seems ubiquitous.. even checking the weather forecast can pull one in!
Good question. I am curious too. What specifically is happening and how. I worked in the Internet industry until 2007, when it began to rapidly lose interest for me as it was shifting in values and culture to mimic mainstream media, advertising, marketing tactics and concerns.
This must go beyond what a typical computer can do as I’m quite familiar with digital logic–it’s not intelligent at all. Perhaps quantum, or something else that works with awareness particles?
OMG this is sooo amazing!! Thank you for saving us once again dear Almine. I have been keeping the Escargot alphabet under my pillow as well.
As these two paths become more and more split, will we see the other group less and less and less?
If it wasn’t for the internet, I would not have found Almine and goodness knows where I would have ended up lol!
What is the order if we are also using the other powersigils meant to be placed on electronics?
The alphabet lay on top of the power sigil?