It is necessary for the lightbearers of the planet who rule by proxy, to remove all resentment motivated thoughts of revenge from all their interactions with others. Continue reading →
The Blessings of the New Cycle of Heightened Frequency
The Seer’s notes regarding the blessings of the new cycle of heightened frequency humanity is experiencing. Continue reading →
You Are Ready to Teach When
When you no longer have the desire to gather students or be credited as the source of another’s achievements. Continue reading →
Have a Joyous Day
To my Lightfamily:
Have a joyous day, my Precious Ones Continue reading →
The Glad Song of Our Hearts
The glad song of our hearts, evoked by thinking the most beautiful thoughts possible, heals and uplifts. Continue reading →
Heightened Magic and the Horrors
For reasons I shall explain, the Dark Ages had both heightened magic and the horrors you have questioned. Continue reading →