From the core of the Earth, its central sun • The subliminal distortion of black noise comes • Like a pressure in the head to man it seems Continue reading →
Demons Try to Infiltrate
Demons try to infiltrate Original Ones and humans through subterfuge by claiming to help or save the world in various ways. Continue reading →
The Difference Between High and Low Consciousness
Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Continue reading →
Mushroom Dream Symbolism
To evolve from undifferentiated consciousness to individual physical form in 1 million years is indeed rapid growth. Continue reading →
Signs of Suffering
I visited her a few weeks later and to my astonishment found that she looked not years, but decades younger! Continue reading →
The Cause of the Decay of Aging
One of the causes of aging is the accumulation of conscious (white light) and subconscious (black light) memories. Continue reading →