TL;DR: This website is an experiment driven by the board’s joy and passion, but we request the support and patronage of the Original Ones to keep it going.
Click here to support the Original Ones website.
How it Began

This Original Ones initiative sprang from our (Ruth, Rogier & Milan – AKA “the board”) desire to provide a platform for the Lightfamily that supports the way of godhood, and their ‘standing firm as the North Star’. (This felt necessary once the Seer retreated from public life.) And, in the process, inspire a channel of abundance for the Seer Almine. So that we may give back, in gratitude, for her priceless teachings and perpetual service to planetary & cosmic evolution.
Giving & Receiving
The Original Ones website is funded by the board, and requires a substantial time and energy investment to keep it running. Ever since its inception, we’ve wondered how we can make it self-supporting and revenue-producing. Yes, we’re a nonprofit organization, but we have ongoing operational costs and would love to be able to supplement the Seer’s monthly income. Plus, the board would like to see some aspects of Rogier’s work here, rewarded financially.
The Antidote
We believe in the Original Ones initiative, and are committed to moving it forward. We consider it to be the antidote to the times of societal unraveling that are now upon us. But, in balancing giving and receiving, we do request financial contributions to keep the website going and growing. It’s in your hands.

The Answer
Traditionally the answer might be to stick the published content behind a paywall, and charge for access. But we would rather not withhold any crucial information from anyone, for whatever reason — especially now. So, instead, what we will try is rely on voluntary contributions from the Original Ones.

The Serpents of Wisdom✨
If you believe this website is a blessing that enriches your life, something you’d rather not find yourself without, we hope you will become our patron. In doing so, you’ll be symbolically fulfilling the original vision of the Nagas, the Serpents of Wisdom, spreading the mystery school teachings across the Earth.
Just to Be Clear
We are deeply moved by your beautiful gifts and tithes for the Seer. And we insist your patronage here does not detract from that. If you have to choose, choose Almine. Thank you!