The real part of you is embodied. Abdicate not from the sovereignty of your life.
The Seer Almine
The Most I Can Give Vs The Most I Can Get
The advisability of the act of giving to another is determined not only by the motive of the giver, but also by the motive of the receiver.
The Earth Is a Nursery Planet
The Earth is a nursery planet; a genetic library that houses the undeveloped version (the animals) of all primary species in our galaxy.
The Birthday of the World
Rosh Hashanah is a time for reflection and renewal, often referred to as the "birthday of the world" due to its significance in commemorating creation.
If the Infinite Creator Goddess Is Not Present in a Reality It Ceases to Exist
In the burial cave (that became the coal mine) there were multiple marble tombs containing previous bodies laid down by the Holy Mother during ages before.
Loving Another
EROS BELECHVI ARESVELESHVA – The words mean: Loving another is loving yourself