Now is the time for the inner magic, for the inner mystical feminine within men and women to awaken.
The Seer Almine
The Alchemically Altered Participant
By radically changing one piece, it disrupts the previous reality and all other pieces have to change to continue forming a cohesive reality.
Remove All Thoughts of Revenge
It is necessary for the lightbearers of the planet who rule by proxy, to remove all resentment motivated thoughts of revenge from all their interactions with others.
The Blessings of the New Cycle of Heightened Frequency
The Seer’s notes regarding the blessings of the new cycle of heightened frequency humanity is experiencing.
You Are Ready to Teach When
When you no longer have the desire to gather students or be credited as the source of another’s achievements.
Have a Joyous Day
To my Lightfamily:
Have a joyous day, my Precious Ones