A Little Understood Principle Embodied By The Original Ones
The Seer:
Several years ago, after battling for months against the 5 major perpetrators on earth (I did not yet understand changing life by proxy), I decided to lock them up in 5 gallstones that I carried in my body. I was at the airport on my way to teach in Alaska, when the gallstones became such a problem that an ambulance had to be called. They were removed the following day.
Because of one malcontented voice in the class, it was pointed out that if I were in fact an immortal being, this could not happen. The doubt she cast in her ignorance caused my entire class to forsake me, with the exception of two. Yet again, the same argument was voiced by malcontents when I had a hip replacement a month ago.
The principle that has not been fully understood is that those of highest consciousness wield the largest influence by proxy work. That means that for decades and decades I have had to solve every major problem on earth with the suffering of my own body. Those of you who have worked so hard to raise your consciousness may wonder why your physical ailments either become worse or still linger.
It is for this reason that I wish to share with you the joyous news that this inequitable arrangement for which I have searched an answer for, has finally after many years been solved by me.
I will explain: the survival of this planet is the last living remnant of an experiment that began eons ago on the viability of individual freedom of choice. It is important that it successfully survives the experiment and expresses the Infinite’s Will to examine free agency of individuals. When density and distortion become so great that it impedes evolution in many, ways have been used to store these unresolved issues until some on earth are evolved enough to resolve them.
Ways in which density has been stored:
The rocks of the earth, as well as the bones of earthly creatures, have been used to store the deposits of density.
- The primary place that has been used as a ‘garbage dump’ for density has been this solar system’s sun. In these chaotic times of disintegrating systems and infrastructure, the sun has become overloaded with retained density, and is starting to rebel with increased solar flare activity.
- Subsequently, the rocks of meteors and a few comets were used instead to hold the density.
When meteors and comets become overburdened, they lose their way, changing their trajectory and becoming more hazardous to the earth. The meteor that exploded above Manhattan a few days ago is a prime example. If it had impacted the city of New York (and not exploded above Manhattan), the catastrophic consequences would have been unimaginable.
In preparation for preventing such a catastrophic scenario, several goddesses of the Original Ones contracted with The Infinite to use their bodies to release some of the pent-up density — particularly as it relates to ancestral programming regarding gender conduct. Flawed ancestral programming had been held in the bones of my body and was removed with the removal of some of the bone during the hip surgery replacement.
Another goddess released many pints of phlegm that left her gasping for air and experiencing serious choking; she had to sleep sitting upright. This removed programming about shame and blame connected to women’s sexuality. Another goddess went through a purging of inner dialogue and surface mind activity that kept her awake all night, and left her confused since she had already entered silence of the mind. This purged the resistance of women to the unfairness of seeming male authority and superiority.
Another goddess re-experienced the trauma of rape and abuse through nightmares, thereby releasing past memories of trauma and assault on the feminine. Another goddess released the emotions that women feel being servants and caretakers of children, husband, and elderly relatives that created demands that didn’t allow her to express her own authenticity.
Night after night, another goddess experienced aggravated cold sweats that left her sheets sodden. This released the unkind gossip and judgment of others against the expression of womanhood. Lesser women had been eager to gossip, and men resented feelings that her femininity stirred in him. This unkindness created many attacks on her decency and purity of motive. Consequently, the unkindness of others resulted in her creating many protective mechanisms instead of interacting freely with others.
These uncomfortable physical sacrifices on behalf of the goddesses created a miracle. The meteor exploded with a deafening sound right above the city of Manhattan without causing any major damage.
What Has Changed?
I was able to see where the unfair situation in the most highly evolved have to carry the heaviest burden of proxy suffering was designed by spirit to keep them from thriving. Those that evolve to higher levels move out of the range of control of spirit’s authoritarian allies, such as the church and state. It had been to its benefit to keep them in a state of suffering. By addressing the issue in the early hours of this morning, The Infinite took away the usurped-right of spirit to cause hardship and suffering and interfere in physical life.
Henceforth, the Original Ones’ mission to change life by the proxy of changing their own lives shall occur through finding and expressing what inspires them. It is imperative that we honor the sacrifice of these goddesses and release old generational, religious, and social programs that dictate our behavior. Each time we find and express what inspires us we build a beautiful life, instead of just being the ‘garbage collectors’ and martyrs of the universe.
The Seer
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Thank you Almine, I am a lightworker, and it was explained to me that once we work to transmute fluff, and other distorted energies in the atmosphere, environment, people and conditions, our bodies take the hit. I have been there, but I work assiduously to remove the pain after doing these work.
Thank you, a mind that has not been through it will never understand.
Strangely a dream ì had several nights ago involving child sex abuse as in organised abuse. I was witnessing its extent in dreamtime shocked as to what I saw. Having awoken and getting up and still returning to the dream..finally using powers at my disposal I was clearing this darkness.
Thank you Almine for addressing this. Although I have and will never doubt you. I was genuinely curious about how your health has been impacted over the years being such a highly evolved being. This answers that curiosity. You are such an inspiration to us all. Truly impeccable. Much love to you and our light family. Everyday I strive to be my highest expression of the Divine and you are one of the greatest inspirations for that. Love you
Well thank (swear word) for that, as it seemed as Original Ones were absorbing EVERYONE else’s darkness. Which seems to me like a universal scapegoat…
Wow! July 22nd & 23rd I had severe joint pain in my hips, shoulders and wrists so much that it became very painful while sitting down and standing up … the slightest movement was piercing to my nerves. I thought it would never go away, but this morning it all disappeared, for which I am indeed very grateful!!
Ive been feeling this for so long and didnt know what it was, so incredibly grateful, literally crying with gratitude, so much feels better ❤️