We are delighted to announce that Jaylene, Almine’s youngest daughter, has joined the team. Continue reading →
Original Ones
Those Who Were Once Lost
The measure of someone’s greatness is not who they were, but how much they’ve overcome. Continue reading →
Raising Planetary Consciousness
The Lemurians had much respect for their role as part of nature and for the Earth as a sentient being. Continue reading →
Incomprehensibly Foolish Choices
The Lightbearers shall demonstrate through incomprehensibly foolish choices, what it is like to live a life of abandoned reason. Continue reading →
As You Promised Her You Would
As I join you today for this timely and monumental online event, I want to pause and express my deep love and thanksgiving for your sacred presence on the Earth. Continue reading →
I Stopped Being Able to See the Future Yesterday
I stopped being able to see the future yesterday and when I asked the Angels what was going on, they said the future will change today. Continue reading →