Demons try to infiltrate Original Ones and humans through subterfuge by claiming to help or save the world in various ways. No matter how innocent and pure the Original One is, a demon can still try. The distinction to be aware of is that demons will try to make a deal in exchange for letting them in (willing to give the person something they deeply desire such as healing their sick child or prolonged life in exchange for letting them in); they will also disguise themselves as angelic beings of light. Divisiveness is the key; anything that seeks to divide is not sent by The Infinite One.
Any being that comes with the purpose of The Infinite does not need anyone to let them into material life.
Thank you for this message. It puts words to a few dreams I’ve had of late in which I was watching divisiveness play out. It brought pain to my heart as I could clearly sense that this person was under the spell of demons disguised as beings of light.
Yes, we just experienced clearing some demonic presence during our zoom gathering in Oneness today. Intriguing that this happens once in a while.
Shifting of mega matrices in the cosmos I suspect resulting in demons loosing their foothold. So they are looking for a way in again
Its odd how, and just assuming this goes for a lot of us, it is not even remotely tempting to accept something when it binds us to something else. The moment in life when people promise something and I hear them say ‘I’ll do this for you, if…’ 9 out of 10 times you know it’s going to be bad. I guess this message is there because people still do it?
I’m wondering how they even ‘make the deal’, because I’m assuming a lot of us aren’t actually communicately developed enough and/or simply do not have the affinity to communicate with these beings at all.
I can’t possibly imagine what an OO would want so bad they’d bind themselves to a contract.
“‘I’ll do this for you, if…’ 9 out of 10 times you know it’s going to be bad.” Simple and so profound. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I see this played out in life over and over and self reflect thinking how many times i’ve pulled this tactic on others. I also can see it playing out from those with highly narcissistic tendencies
Thank you Rogier and Beloved!
Thankyou for this Almine and Rogier for posting!
So how does one get a demon out?
errie message. i watched a fantasy film recently and a demon in disguise knocked on the door – she could not enter unless she was let in. a very in tune message here now we know what to look out for