The occult knowledge tells us that Thoth the Atlantean incarnated as Thoth, Hermes, and Jesus of Nazareth. Continue reading →
Cosmic Rebel
I have as yet not been able to find ‘fallen angels’ and suspect it’s just a misnomer. Continue reading →
To Seal Encroachment From Beings of the Underworld
The Menerech is a device to seal encroachment from beings of the underworld into the world of man. Continue reading →
They Will Fall
So I let the Seer read the latest hate mail and she requested I share the following. Continue reading →
Demons Try to Infiltrate
Demons try to infiltrate Original Ones and humans through subterfuge by claiming to help or save the world in various ways. Continue reading →
Gateways for Creatures From Lower Realms
This morning, large numbers of beings who were found to be unworthy of the higher reality, were cast out into lower realms that they were more suited to. Continue reading →