Why do I have nausea when I have been in a crowd, for instance?
The Seer:
It’s not that you’ve dabbled in dark stuff, but you find it intriguing and some of the horror movies you watch, attract dark ones. Once you start being attracted to dark witches and dark entities, the dark ones won’t leave you alone. They’ll keep coming back and try to kill anything that has a skin – anything physical. Demons kill so that they can absorb the energy that’s released when a physical being dies. Original Ones who have achieved immortality confuse beings from the shadow realms, so they keep coming back to try and harm them again and again, once they become aware of the immortal master. It’s really best to stay away from dark movies, magazines and other dark material .
Why You Are Experiencing Nausea
There are shadow beings that have possessed human bodies and when such a person dies (at some funerals, for example) you can feel the demonic energy release. Your warning of having encountered such dark energy – from the living or the dead – is the nausea. When that happens, go home and soak in a bath with the Fragrance Alchemy bath salts to remove any remnants of the energy.
I have just recently and respectfully had a sleuth of beings cleared from me that came in about two years ago when we did the ceremony related to the reptilian mind. All I can say is I have a new level of humility from this past two years, and those things wanted me out of the way. I’m so very glad I held on and did not succumb to death (and if they are seeing this message all I will say is “that’s never gonna happen guys, so don’t bother trying ever again. I mean no harm and from now on I will be minding my own business”). 🙏🏻
All I want to say after reading these comments is that there’s a difference in dealing with something in daily life, or to be ‘intrigued’ by it. People who are intrigued by something would awarely or unawarely like to see more of it.
Instead of applying pentagon grade spiritual defenses why not shine awareness on the issue so something underlying may reveal itself? Demons are shadows of unlearned lessons right, so what is it that indulgence of dark things is trying to tell one? What is the reason one indulges in these things, despite the fact that it is never enhancing to do so?
One more attuned to Almine’s teachings may correct me, but do light explosions not work until openings are either consciously or unconsciously created that allow things to go past these defenses? One would be to be intrigued by what you’re defending yourself against?
I do regular energy clearings with intent and sound to clear other people’s energies as well as dark entities from clients.
To be rid of something, Almine has said it is important to first acknoledge with appreciative perspective, its service to the One Life. Demons embody all the unprocessed lessons in Life, the chaos that have not yielded the insights and has had no answers. The Angelgods embody the answers… the light necessary to access the known.
As Dhani also mentioned, the light explosions are effective , the golden yellow light, can be emphasized and strengthened by living its tone, refined communication. How I intrepret that is not only how you communicate, but also what you are taking into your mind through outside communications. This is why Almine suggests to stay away from dark readings, or watchings, or thoughts. Surround yourself with refined communication, beautiful inspiring readings, watchings, and thoughts, and be aware of how you communicate. That is my interpretation of the Golden Yellow Tone.
Esklavanet is a powerful tool for this also.
So how does one keep these beings away once they are aware of your presence. Even If one hasn’t watched darker energy content films for a good long while, the dark ones have a scent-lock on you. What then?
“Sacred” objects can attract them as well
Oh, didn’t think about that one. Are these objects considered only sacred to me? I don’t have any old world tribal artifacts because of their unknown histories. I’m wondering what else it could possibly be.
Thanks Rogier.
I grew up in a dark family and have experienced a lot of death in my immediate family as well. I also worked as a Registered Nurse for 12 years. I couldn’t wait to get out of that career. I have felt that energy and am still working to rise up enough to where they will be too confused to bother me.
Thank you,
There has been a chain reaction taking place since someone I knew who had one of these shadow beings inside of her ended her life. There was a memorial service for her and several people who attended that service died shortly after. Then people who attended the memorial services of the people who died, also died, and so on. Many people have died now in 2 months and that community is stricken with grief. Is there something I can do to help?
The original shadow being was inside of me and it invited other shadow beings into my field, and they jumped to several other people, including the one who ended her life.
That shadow being had been following me for a long time, I would feel appear it in the room with me when I was experiencing an intense emotion like sadness. The circumstances of how it got inside of me are regrettable. When I finally found a practitioner who could see the being and help me remove it and its buddies from my field, they tried to kill that practitioner.
Those beings are no longer inside of me and the light explosions keep them away from me, but my body and energy field was very worn down from their extended stay.
Thinking about this some more, I wonder why these shadow beings are so difficult to remove once they’ve hopped aboard a body. I read that Almine could find no other way to expel 5 of these entities from her being after dealing with them inside of her for years, than to turn them to gallstones and have a surgeon remove them.
If they are unresolved lifetime lessons at their core, why can’t they be faced when they are inside of us? I tried to face the ones I had inside of me and there was no facing them.. each time I would set my attention on them their desire to end me would intensify and I would lose aspects of my free will and there were times I was not sure I would survive their actions.
I understand how they would be fascinated and drawn to OOs but I do not understand why we are almost powerless against them once they are inside of us. I hope to gain more insight about this, there’s still a lesson to be learned it feels like. Thank you.
I would feel nauseous everyday at work when I worked in a residential facility with teenage girls who had been sex trafficked. I never could fully understand why until now! The girls had been exposed to such horrific things in their lives, used drugs, etc that entities were probably a constant there.
The Light explosions are an excellent means of protection.