Proxy magic, or being a conduit for an external energy source, energizes, youthens and increases consciousness. Continue reading →
This Frequency Has Been Dissolved
This frequency has been dissolved so that passion, joy and inspiration can become the new driving force. Continue reading →
The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People (Don’t Mess With Them)
The Seer requests we share this video with you. She found it 100% accurate. Continue reading →
The Difference Between High and Low Consciousness
Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Continue reading →
Angelic Dominance : A Message From the Seer for the Participants of the Peaceful Sleep Webinar
We have turned the corner into a new angelic dominant cycle that should gradually change life to a new way of growth and energy production. Continue reading →
The Dark Ones Won’t Leave You Alone
Once you start being attracted to dark witches and dark entities, the dark ones won’t leave you alone. Continue reading →