What spiritual benefit does self-rejuvenation have?
The Seer:
Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Energy is needed for the evolution of consciousness. The difference between high consciousness and low consciousness has nothing to do with how worthy that individual is, but rather, how adept that person is at harnessing and accessing energy. Energy is the currency of the universe; sought after by all creatures. Spiritual masters are the ones that have learnt to respect and conserve energy.
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A Student says
But isn’t energy another illusion of matter? (we have light and frequency/matter and energy)
Isn’t money (the micro of energy as universal currency), the financial systems on the planet, a reflection (mirror) of this illusion that has become a tyrannical physical need? We need energy to function, we need money to live…
Are we to first balance and understand this before we can transcend matter and energy as a need?
Rogier says
Energy is not an, “illusion of matter”
Alex Murray says
I may sound like an ignorant child when I say this but I feel this so big in my heart hehe! The power in energy (conciousness) is so so precious because it’s what sustains you.
Rogier says