Proxy magic, or being a conduit for an external energy source, energizes, youthens and increases consciousness. Continue reading →
So It Shall Be
As you see life so it shall be ~The Seer Continue reading →
Incomprehensibly Foolish Choices
The Lightbearers shall demonstrate through incomprehensibly foolish choices, what it is like to live a life of abandoned reason. Continue reading →
Praise Made Manifest
Why is gold so coveted? If this is based on unique properties, what are they? Continue reading →
The Elvuras Scroll & The Third
When these holy texts are unlocked, or opened, they release an enormous influx of light to the planet and its creatures. Continue reading →
The Difference Between High and Low Consciousness
Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Continue reading →