Whenever the expression of two opposite poles is integrated, energy that had been tied up in sustaining the illusion of opposites, becomes available to the individual. Continue reading →
Mushroom Dream Symbolism
To evolve from undifferentiated consciousness to individual physical form in 1 million years is indeed rapid growth. Continue reading →
When an Immortal Master Dies
In the beginning, at first, it was just a homogenized consciousness. Then there came individuations (through frequency). Continue reading →
This Happens Due to the Bending of Light
This happens due to the bending of light. Light carries information. The exposed person's information gets scrambled. Continue reading →
Merkaba for Children and Babies
The Merkaba works the same for children and babies over 6 months old, and can be used as a protection for them against ill intent. Continue reading →
Every Choice No Matter How Foolish
The Creator even uses what seems like folly from our perspective, to evolve and study individuated life. Continue reading →