To understand the following metaphysical occurrences that took place over the weekend we must explain that the higher self (soul) is the female companion of the masculine highest self (spirit). The masculine highest self (spirit) is her spouse. As is the case with women throughout the world, his dominance over her has dimmed her glorious luminosity as a representative of the Holy Mother. It is time for the higher self (soul) to break free from her husband’s tyranny (the tyranny of spirit) that tells her how to live, and arise in the beauty and glorious luminosity that is hers.
Let us study how and why spirit deliberately undermines the full expression of soul: there has been hidden corruption and the greed that wants to steal from another, found as part of the unwholesome motives of spirit’s desire to drain energy from, and retain control over, the soul.
The higher self to the earth and women everywhere can only be set free when women start to express fully, and without asking for leave of their husbands the exquisite artistry and beauty of the feminine. When this occurs, the higher self consciousness of the planet will be set free. In women and in the planet, the luminosity of soul will illuminate the night sky. This luminous glow of a woman expressing her soul unabashed, is a crucial part of True Beauty, regardless of age or any other labels that society has chosen to brand her with. The setting free of the soul of the planet has to be done step by step, by proxy, as lived by women and goddesses alike.
A Glimpse Backwards Through Time
In ancient records, it refers to two groups of people, called the Sea People – a group of humans and a group of gods. The humans eventually became known as the Philistines and settled in Italy. The group of gods were map makers from the Original Ones who had settled in various places on earth, including the islands of Micronesia. They were known as the Shining Ones.
Although I have previously explained that part of the reason they were seen as luminous was that they were very fair skinned and mostly red hair, they used a special salve that made them shine and protected them against the sun. But the major part of the reason was that they were bioluminescent and light shone through their skin because they had fully awakened and activated souls.
If the soul world (where departed souls go after death) is healed by the incremental expression of the divine feminine in women everywhere, the planet herself will start to shine with luminosity. Although the light emitted by human souls is too refined to be seen by human eyes, it is nevertheless their destiny to reach this elevated state of an awakened soul. The god beings amongst men must lead the way.
The Great Events of Last Weekend
The corruption of the spirit realms, and of the highest self of men and gods, was clearly revealed to The Seer during the night. By the morning, the Infinite had used the tool of transfiguration to transfigure the greed and desire for power and acclaim by the spirit realms into wholesomeness; and severed the cord attached to the solar plexus of all beings used by spirit to siphon off energy from the soul world. This will profoundly affect all beings on the planet.
Understanding the Terms
Seer’s Note:
- The religions of the world were created by the realms of spirit to control through guilt and demean humanity, to the point where they think they require a mediator to approach the divine.
- The intrinsic quality of the realms of evolved spirit (there are 2 levels) is wholesomeness. By transfiguring the corruption in the realms of spirit and individuals’ ‘highest self’ into wholesomeness, the Infinite has hastened its evolution to a higher stage of expression.
- Many women on earth emulate the male to enhance their own value. So too, the earth’s higher self (the soul realms) emulated the spirit realms and became greedy for power and control – through the years of teaching, this has necessitated that The Seer produce tools to prevent invasion in the dreamtime. Saturday morning, these qualities that are foreign to the true nature of women were transmuted to the qualities of the archetypal goddesses.
On this auspicious day of cosmic transmutation, the cosmos has changed (because the earth is the pivot point for change through the cosmos).
The Seer
In Closing
The Seer encourages the god beings of both genders to study the God and Goddess Archetypes and make a concerted effort to express them in their lives (refer to the God and Goddess Archetypes as given in the book, A Life of Miracles, and She reminds Her lightfamily that alchemical oils are available to support their expression).
May we shed the masks worn by both genders to live up to the expectations and acceptance of others. Live a life of mastery, which entails breaking free from the value judgments of others and social conditioning. May the shedding of these burdens set you free to fly on wings of authentic, self-empowered, glorious, and majestic expression – guiltless and unafraid.
The Seer
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Wow Almine Thank you
I am so Greatful to you Beloved Almine!
Tears flow again !
In Praise Love Gratitude and Reverence to the Infinite Mother
Thankyou for ALL that you do
I Love you
I have felt this great change already as lightness and more genuine happy, fearless expression. I woke up, the time was 441. I felt deep love and gratitude for our little fairies and elves that give the Earth and us all, so much beauty. I wondered what I could do for these little magical ones to surprise them with my love and praise. I was flooded with my own images of little painted river rocks with my messages to them, I smiled with such a creative solution that came to me. I will love doing this and placing these little stones all around my property especially where I see small little flowers and clovers.
Thank you to the Goddesses and Infinite Mother that shines through my heart.💫💙💜🤍💫
Love, Praise, Gratitude, and Trust
Thank you Beloved Mother for this sacred information. I am truly grateful. I experienced the change in the cosmos while doing Kaanish Belvaspata 🥰 In the last few days my finger nails have grown over night, chronic knee pain has almost gone and creativity has awakened. I have more energy and see differently. I feel light as a feather. Miracles unfolding for all life.I love you Almine …we live a life of miracles😇🥰
Love Praise & Gratitude Glory to the Infinite for ever and ever
This extraordinary information is deeply soothing to my Soul🦢🥰
Thank you Beloved Almine for this miraculous
and amazing work you have done🙏✨
Thank you..thank you…thank you. I’ve been reading and listening to Almine since I was 26 …I will be 43 this November. My heart is so grateful 🙏
Incredible! I am beyond happy about these cosmic changes. So much gratitude to Almine 🩷🎉🌺
A great celebration! A new era is upon us. Deep gratitude to you dearest Almine for all that you are orchestrating, and for keeping us posted.
Love, praise, and gratitude!
Tremendous news dear Almine! The change is palpable! So grateful, and filled with Hope and Praise!
This felt so needed, Thank you so incredibly much ❤️
Eternal Praise to you dearest Mother xx I love you. 🌸🎶 Joanne
WOW! What incredible work by our beloved Almine!! I am so grateful.
Will study this more carefully in the days to come.