When these two continents sank, destroying millions of lives, four areas of the Earth’s feminine and four areas of the Earth’s masculine grids were destroyed as well. Continue reading →
The Poles of Courage
The feminine, receptive pole of courage expresses through the moral courage of endurance. Continue reading →
The Metaphysical Meaning of the Rise of the Divine Feminine
As is the case with women throughout the world, his dominance over her has dimmed her glorious luminosity as a representative of the Holy Mother. Continue reading →
Integrated Responsibility
The example set by a people that have survived for millennia, tells us that it’s important that responsibilities are shared and that everyone does what they can. Continue reading →
I Dedicate This Beautiful and Inspiring Poem to the Men
I dedicate this beautiful and inspiring poem to the men, who are the gods among humanity. Continue reading →
How to Use the Male DNA Repair Protocol
This is a tool that will bring peace to conflict among family members in the home and help with subversive and overt hostility between romantic partners and aggression in the workplace. Continue reading →