What event has left an impression this day, long ago, on the Wheel of Time?✶
The Seer:
This day, 10,500 BC, the people with the elongated heads known as the Shining Ones — perhaps because they rubbed argon oil all over their bodies — arrived in Egypt from Mu, which had partially sank below the ocean. They sailed down the Nile towards its headwaters.
You are referring to these Ones, right?â€
The Seer:
Yes, seven ships arrived in the Nile.
What was the oil for?
The Seer:
I am not sure, but I did in the past receive some info on it…
Seven Boats
They were extraterrestrial, yes? From Sirius?
The Seer:
The Seven Sisters — the Pleiades. Hence the seven boats. They put that number in their monuments so that their progeny would remember their origins.
✶See: The Disc of Life
†Pictured above
I feel like the plans for fake alien invasion are VERY close. It seems like the V agenda and the CBDC agenda not quite working out the way they had hoped. They only have a few moves left it seems.
I recall something Almine mentioned years ago on argan oil. She recommended it for the skin because… something like it holds no memory of aging? Or it holds and imparts the memory of the skin’s natural pattern, which is youth.
I once enjoyed a massage entirely with argan oil from a friend in Europe who’s brother brought it to her regularly from Morocco. I noticed how special it felt. It didn’t need other added essential oils.
Here we go! “They were found to reset the memory of the skin. Old skin would forget it’s ‘old’ and behave as young skin would…” (see next day’s post)
Thank you Rogier. Hope we can hear more about it from Almine on this subject.
There is a movie that was made. This movie concurs the stories I heard from Drunvalo Melchizadek about these beings. As I understand it, hey were another race that controlled humanity for a time….. Drunvalo had his own hidden agenda for telling these stories as I found out much, much later……
The movie is called TUT with Ben Kinglsley. Keep in mind that there are hidden reasons behind what it shown in this film. This is to hide their hidden agendas for controlling humanity.