Re: Argan oil, this is the information the Seer was referring to — her conversation with a being named Tri-Ech-Ma (2010) ✶
Q. When my hairdresser put Aragan oil on my hair, you said it was part of the information… is it Argan oil? I thought you said Aragan?
A. It is known by those that use it now as Argan, but called by those who planted the trees in Morocco long ago as Araga-an or Aragan…
Q. Which means ‘giver of heavenly light…’
A. Yes, because of its properties.
Q. But who planted them?
A. Some who came to Earth from Nibiru — a distant system that comes into this solar system every few thousand years…
Q. Were the trees from there as well?
A. No, they grew in other areas in Northern Africa. They were found to reset the memory of the skin. Old skin would forget it’s ‘old’ and behave as young skin would…
The Seer
✶See: The Shining Ones
Sara Roshan says
I am grateful, this is a wonderful reminder.Thank you for finding these information.
Dhani says
Thank you for this great reminder!!
Vanessa Power says
This is so cool!
I also just bought a new bottle of Aragan Oil!
Gio says
Muchas gracias Beloved Almine AND Dear Rogier for sharing this with us