Why have you previously said that it is inadvisable for humans to try and be teachers of your body of work? Since you have laid out the teaching with such meticulous care, should not anyone be able to be its teacher?
The Seer:
The ‘body of work’ that you refer to, isn’t just information, it is a powerful force for change given directly by the Eternal Mother. As such it was designed for the gods on Earth. The much lower level of an ego-driven human, cannot wield its power and such a person will start to become irrational and even show signs of madness and severe emotional instability.
Seer’s Comment:
When I had produced the Book of Spells, I had a very difficult time finding typesetters and editors from external sources. Anyone of lower consciousness who tried to work with the manuscript, started to become irrational and confused; their emotions going out of control.
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I have been studying Almine’s teachings since 2009, and there are times that I question whether I am an Original One or a human. Is there any definitive way to know?
I think the only way that is certain is by Almine. I’ve done little tests over the years, and it seems that even psychics cannot pick up on these things no matter how good they are. It’s like Almine has a unique radar for these things.
The difficult thing is that one indicator that Almine’s given is that the work was made for Original Ones and it will primarily attract them. But yeah, the post above kind of makes that a problem.
Being around an Original One, in my experience is different though. The few times I was it felt like the air is more clean more light. I think it would freak a lot of people out, but I found it really pleasant.
They feel like familiar strangers if that makes sense. In society I sometimes feel like that hermit on the hill away from the village, and its like meeting another hermit. You align. Tricky thing is that despite it being so that your frequency matches them more than humans, they come with a personality you may find pleasant or not.
Seems one important sentence in my previous message got removed and I cannot edit:
I know because i was confirmed by Almine.
I love the Book of Spells. I currently have 22 books written by Beloved Almine and each one is a treasure.
Does this imply that some OOs who have been teaching the material are not Ancient Ones? Just an open ended question.
It does
Hello Rogier,
Could you please clarify if the name of “Original Ones” differ from the ” Ancient Ones?”
Or You meant that some so called ” Original Ones” are not “Original Ones?”
Thank you!
Ancient Ones and Original Ones are the same = Gods and Goddesses. From what I understand is that there are humans amongst the light family teaching The Seer’s work as per my question above.
Ancient ones is another term, not from Almine…made up as a word play from a human. And yes there are ones here and ones “teaching” that are attracted to Almines work whom like power, they like their “title” given here and wear it as a badge of self importance and run around with her work in front of others acting like it’s their work and feed their egos, like to act like they are Almine or spin all their own dogmas, personalities, agendas, religious or human paradigms etc in it…and these ones are in fact, NOT Original Ones.
That’s it. It has been revealing for years and it’s most fascinating that in the beginning for me at least, it hasn’t been obvious. Once you see it, it’s totally impossible to unsee.
It is actually quite repulsive. What has been the problem apart from the massive ego feeding, identity consciousness, the dependencies that form on these people, due to OOs not being self sovereign AND the total abuse of Mother’s teachings…
Hard to know if one is an OO because if you asked any one of them, they would tell you they are because they have had some experience confirming it to them. May be part of being the delusion.
Yes. So is that video on Belvaspata Consciousness going to be removed on Youtube?
Why start honoring the work now?
Yes exactly. Because that video contained religious references and personal beliefs mixed in with the holy modality, only causing confusion with current and new practitioners.
I have the book..it is beautiful. Thank you!
Oh yes I remember that….
Dat kan ik me nog herinneren van die tijd , daar heeft u, de Seer Almine over gesproken toen…
Gratitude for that beautifull book…