It must be meditated on, so that it may be grasped noncognitively by the feelings of the heart Continue reading →
When an Immortal Master Dies
In the beginning, at first, it was just a homogenized consciousness. Then there came individuations (through frequency). Continue reading →
Black Hole Sleep
Toltec Seers teach that the phenomenon of entropy (the decay of progress gained when new additional energy is not generated) originates in the sun. Continue reading →
Find the Wisdom and Lessons as Quickly as You Can
If one spends lifetimes making the same mistake and not overcoming it, it turns into a demon in the underworld. Continue reading →
Surface Mind and Its Tool Intelligence
If we fail to get the perception of our interactions with others, they steal our energy instead of giving us energy. Continue reading →
How It All Began (Tracing the Path of Power)
The vast power of the Almighty holds together a massive field (originally called the firmament) within which individuated life will take place. Continue reading →