I wonder if the tiredness of late is related to having barely or no dreams at all?
The Seer:
It is not only the time that people show their true colors (due to the solar flares), but also the time to revisit previous lifecycles of rebirth and death. Past un-recapitulated experiences in this lifetime are being revisited. Toltec Seers teach that the phenomenon of entropy (the decay of progress gained when new additional energy is not generated) originates in the sun. It is the result of untapped potential that has not yielded additional energy to prevent decay. The solar flares release new energy when they revisit past unlearnt insights. When the the majority of an individual’s unlearnt insights were in the far distant past and cannot be recalled, the individual has “black hole sleep”; dreamless sleep.* The insights gained from dreamless sleep are released to the subconsciousness; the individual has effortless knowing (without knowing how the insight occurs).
- Related: Shrihat Satva Yoga and The Totem Animals of the Cycles in the free Dream Dictionary.
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This is wonderful Thank you, Beloved Almine.
gratitude Seer Almine ,mother.
Always experience black hole sleep . I had the feeling this was the answer,non cognitive.
Love for this message
Deep Gratitude for this 💟💟💟
Wow. Thank you very much for this message… it explains A LOT. Most of the time I wish I could somehow change this due to the initial perceived unpleasantness in decay, but This puts a nice spin on it and makes me think fondly of big foot with their effortless knowing and strength combined with the distinctly rotten body odour.
Marvellous. Gratitude for these deep insights.