A Message From the Seer
Incident #1
In 2006 I did quite a bit of ‘out of body’ traveling. During one of my travels, accompanied by the six spirits that were assisting me at the time, I was delving through the myriad of dark secrets housed within the Vatican. On one of the floors below the ground, below the massive Cathedral building, I found a very large number of magical objects gathered by the Nazis and given to the Vatican in exchange for being assigned two bomb proof rooms with records of the genealogy of certain family lineages and a book describing how to prepare for the fourth Reich, as well as a secret vault containing an atomic bomb.
Some of the magical objects I found of interest, such as a never-ending pot of soup, a disc to stand on for levitation, a cloak of invisibility, and a ring charged by sunlight that could heal any disease and others. I asked the spirits to transport them to my home in America, but they said that would destroy the magic in the objects. The only way to preserve the magic while transporting the physical object, was for me to internalize the magic and then to reintegrate it into the objects they would materialize in my home in Oregon.
We tried this, but the pain it caused in my joints and muscles made it almost impossible to walk after I woke up. That’s when I realized that when a low frequency enters the body, it lowers the body’s frequency, making it unable to house a highly developed spirit. The result is a painful burning sensation called “the sacred fire”.
Seer’s Note:
I had mistakenly thought that “helpful” magic, even though it had been obtained through less than impeccable means, would still be of a high frequency. But the high magic we have received from the mystical kingdoms – found in some of the books✶ – are lightyears beyond the unevolved methods of sorcerers who sought power rather than enlightenment.
To be continued...
✶Notably Book of Spells
Sara Roshan says
Fascinating it is, wow…
I have seen the underground rooms and the walls containing black magic in the beginning of my awakening with Almine years back. The images keep coming sometimes.
I couldn’t understand why or what it means and what we need to do about it. This information felt seeded in me with deep knowing. I always thought when the time is right they will vanish and keep seeing Vatican transformed to dust. I never been in Italy and always felt that I have to go and see Room before Vatican is destroyed. I wonder why these thought and images keep coming every now and than… the images comes with a feeling of lightness in the planet after Vatican turning to dust and wiped out of memories of man. A sense of guilt would then come……. what if Italy or people get hurt. All these takes a moment and I always dismissed them. Trusting life and Infinite Intent
Now I understand clearly.
Can’t wait for the rest of the story …
Derek says
Well? Guess I shouldn’t judge, after all possession is 9/10 of the law. Too bad Almine wasn’t able to obtain possession of these fascinating gizmos. I’d have gone for the invisibility cloak. Sounds like something right out of Harry Potter.
Steven Sillick says
she was journeying through the gamut what many others had endured after her, the journey of a cleric in the mmo we call life
Vanessa says
I recall you telling us about the findings under the Vatican at a spiritual retreat with you Beloved Almine….
There was a lot to clear..
I Love Love Love The Book of Spells which I use most days.
Makes Me wonder, what does this mean If OO are using Belvaspata Angelic Healing and other healing modalities not of Almine(Belvaspata) or , doing a BVP Healing and then other modalities from a human / or starseed source.
To Me personally it resonates to use Almine tools only .
Lena says
Sarah says
I love stuff like this.
Inspires me. Thank you ❤️!
Lynette Ruest says
Wow! This is fascinating! So much to learn. Thank you for sharing this with us. And the photo is amazing.
Dhani says
Oh my……this is fascinating information. What a valuable lesson learned. Much appreciate your sharing with us Almine. Really appreciate this information. Thank you!
Gio says