From tomorrow, hurt may come if attitudes are not recalled. Twenty-four attitudes of exhilaration they are called.
The Elves
From the future we come to tell you the masculine must work together with the feminine to shatter the artificial layer of life.
The WingmakersβΆ
When the Song of Existence is activated, it shatters artificial creations, setting us free from our imagined cages.
The Seer
The Attitudes of Exhilaration
Attitude =
A mutually interdependent relationship between perception and emotion. In other words: emotion arising from perception and perception arising from emotion. ~The Seer
The Attitudes of Exhilaration are (the key to) the ‘communication device’ between the masculine and the feminine, that was lost with the final sinking of Lemuria. This loss was the real catastrophe, because it gave rise to the so-called Triad of Linear Change, the matrix of the four directions that would henceforth control life β as designed by the masculine when it could no longer hear its feminine.β
Within the 24 primary chakras, these attitudes are like the masculine access point to the Haaraknit β the ‘halfway house’ β that is accessed by the feminine via the 24 States of Awareness. The restoration of the masculine component represents the restoration of the bridge between inner and outer (or external) space; the communication between the feminine and the masculine.
The Attitudes of Exhilaration product bundle features as its centerpiece the Belvaspata Angel healing protocol for restoring the attitudes. It’s a “bundle”, because this protocol is part of, and completely interwoven with, The Lemurian Science of Compassion, the third part of the trilogy. This has made it a little ambiguous to extract as a stand-alone item. In addition, much of this Lemurian Science material has already been published here β notably The Hamagda β and some pages of the manuscript were also lost. That said, here’s what’s included (PDF):
- 24 Chakras: The Attitudes of Exhilaration and the States of Awareness
- Belvaspata for the Attitudes of Exhilaration (note: this healing protocol may be performed by the uninitiated on themselves)
- The 24 States of Awareness
- The Gemstone Alchemical Equation for the Attitudes of Exhilaration
- Sigil for Fluid Alchemy
- The Sacred Life: 24 Insights That Dissolve the Protective Mechanism of the Menerech
- The Five Sigils for the Atlas
- The Equation for the Royal Marriage of the True Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Further Study
For a deeper understanding of the Attitudes of Exhilaration, refer to the book, Messages from the Lemurian Angels. And visit the following categories for related material published on our website: #Hamagda, #Haaraknit, #Lemurian Science and #The Pairs of Emotion.
Let the holy temple of the eighth direction awaken β under the skull it sitsβ‘β else imbalance shall call for release by cataclysm.
The Cat People
Twenty four attitudes, the feminine of the neutral pole, bring change through grace. They were lost when the feminine fell out of vision. Kept in gemstones by the keepers ’till the 4th cycle comes again.
Immortal master of Atlantis
The translation device between the masculine and feminine are the 24 attitudes that were lost during the 4th cycles of the Mother when Atlantis sank beneath the waves.
The Anu-ara

βΆA group of white Toltec Naguals. Note: the Seer has stated that the translations of other glyphs in time capsules left by the Wingmakers that have been discovered, are not accurate.
β See: The Linear Stages of Change, Finding Authenticity and Awaken the Black Frequency Song of the Inner Feminine
β‘The Atlas
Thank You Almine, thank You Rogier so very very much. π
This is incredible; perfectly timed and applicable to the last few month of accute work.
My heart is grateful for your impeccabilty in presenting this.
Beloved Almine I don’t have enough words of gratitude to thank you for this.
Thank you for this ‘Rogier. We covered this in the original ceremony with Almine as I recall.It was a webinar event.
Excellent! Thank you Rogier.
I was studying all three Lemurian trilogies for the last two days…I have been in silent solitude and seclusion that finished today. Miracles are happening.
I am exhilarated, in complete wholeness!
Thank you. xo
Rogier!!! You layed this out so beautifully! Thank you so much! β€οΈ