If one pole of two opposites is denigrated and regarded as of lesser value, it’s strengthened by the oppression. Continue reading →
Setting Us Free From Our Imagined Cages
When the Song of Existence is activated, it shatters artificial creations, setting us free from our imagined cages. Continue reading →
Restore the Song to the Joyless Places in Life
Unexpressed authenticity creates unpleasant ghosts of the past by causing them to linger beyond their time. Continue reading →
Awaken the Black Frequency Song of the Inner Feminine
The game of wanting to fix life that we play with our environment, is an endless one. Continue reading →
The Creation of the Angelic Orders and the Fallen Angels
Dictators always produce mediocre realities because they are cut off from the genius of innovative flow. Continue reading →
The Undesirable Areas of Life
The undesirable areas of life are but reminders of authenticity unexpressed. Like scar tissue they fill the gap. Continue reading →