Three are the linear stages of change: transformation, which sheds the obsolete; transmutation, which creates a higher order; and transfiguration which changes reality.
The Seer
Five Insights to Awaken the Black Frequency Song of the Inner Feminine
From: The Lemurian Science of Compassion
1) Immortality robs death to prolong life. This prolongs life to approximately 10,000 years, at which point life must either become incorruptible or reincarnate. Incorruptibility side-steps the debt that must be paid to death, by leveraging life to a higher level – it can keep putting off paying the debt for about 100,000 years. Beyond these two stages which use transformation and transmutation respectively, lies the technique that uses transfiguration: fluidly renewing and reforming.
Immortality uses transformation’s Fibonacci mathematical sequence. Incorruptibility uses transmutation’s alchemical sequence, and fluidly renewed reforming uses 0 Ø 0 Ø 0. This means life moves in and out of two realities from individuated form, to non-individuation and formlessness. By moving in and out of individuation; going back forth from the ocean of consciousness to form, we can renew and remake ourselves.
2) The game of wanting to fix life that we play with our environment, is an endless one. As long as we differentiate between ourselves and our environment, we are trying to change mirror images. When we fix something here because we see it as “imperfect”, it will manifest somewhere else. This is the reason transformation does not have lasting results. Every moment lived leaves a moment behind that is obsolete. Transformation’s task of deleting the obsolete, is thus never done.
Transmutation works with inner space, changing the mirrors without by changing within. By trying to right a wrong, it still judges and divides and thus we are still dealing with cause and effect – a division that still creates mirrors. We are changing the cause in this stage rather than fighting with effects, as we did with transformation, but being opposites, they are both unreal and every action begets an opposite reaction.
3) Transfiguration also has the arrogance of wanting to “remake” life. It renews and recreates life to prolong it indefinitely, by working with the one eternal moment, rather than linear time (as in the case of transformation), or the many moments, one after the other; always living in the moment (as in transmutation).
By living within the one, fluid eternal moment, transfiguration’s perspective sees only the one (it dwells in the illusory space of “Oneness”), transmutation has an awareness of the one within the many (it dwells in the illusory space of awareness). Transfiguration sees the many (it dwells in the illusory space of consciousness). Our reality, the cosmic space within the triangle of change, has consisted of three meshes, or grids, of consciousness, awareness, and oneness.
4) How transfiguration remakes the one, eternal moment, is by reading it over and over again. It goes in and out of formed life, dissolving itself, only to renew itself again. Its remaking of life is as obsessive as the constant need to clear, that transformation has, or the constant need to improve and become more, that transmutation has. Such obsessive needs, are addictions that result from self-abandonment.
5) Any time we employ an artificial tool to do things our own self-expression can do, there is self-abandonment. The triad of change is such a tool. It was designed to define and map out a small part of Infinite Existence. But to maintain any such artificial tool, the Infinite’s presence must focus on it. Forgetfulness about the rest of the vastness of beingness occurs and the tool is mistaken as all there is – it becomes a dictator, instead of a tool.
The two primary tools of accessing and interpreting life, have been light and frequency. The reliance on these tools, has caused even more self-abandonment and tyranny and a mediocre reality that is a sub-creation of an artificial tool (scar tissue).
Transformation, transmutation and transfiguration are the three stages of linear change. Because they go around in a circle, nothing really changes and all repeats itself. To be free from the wheel’s turning, transcend by moving above it. This is done by balancing opposites and joining them as one, releasing the illusions that bind one to a lower reality. The balancing of opposites can be accomplished by valuing both equally – living without value judgements.
The Lemurian Science of Immortality
The three linear stages of change are the result of perceived lack. The desire for increase forms separation and causes change to separate into these stages. These linear stages lie on a two-dimensional plane – like a horizontal turning wheel. The horizontal plane is feminine (hence they are called sisters) and they represent the directions of above, below and within.
The Lemurian Science of Immortality
Nechpa haruhesh eresva minuhet
Through authenticity comes freedom
The Seer
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
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Profound and fasscinating info. We are truly timeless
Wow this is great information — particularly as the metaphysical insights open the way to authentic living. Thank you
I love it!!! ❤️
Brilliant and beautiful insights. Gratitude!
So brilliant!! Very timely too. Deepest Gratitude for these powerful insights!!