Is the saving of mankind’s few, by creating a new, higher reality, the reason you’re here on Earth?
The Seer:
One of them, yes.
Were the Original Ones on Earth the last time the Minerva devastation took place?
The Seer:
They left to go back to their other homeworld (Altea).* They had worked diligently to teach the way of higher civilization to groups of humans all over the world, so that the few that would survive would start life anew after the cataclysm, and then they left.
Why didn’t elevating civilization work to save them?
The Seer:
They knew it wouldn’t save the majority (70%) of mankind, but they tried to use the event to jumpstart man into a higher level of civilization so that next time (our time) they would be beyond the reality of such a calamity.†The Original Ones could see the value of the presence of humanity among the star races. But they did not yet know how powerful proxy magic could be to help ensure the continuation of the race.‡
How did the Original Ones manage to learn about this powerful tool?
The Seer:
The Holy Mother taught them.
- Learn more about Altea here
- Related: The Tablets of Fire
- See: This is Proxy Magic
A dear friend had a reading recently in which she was told that only 20-25% will make the next ascension as the rest of the people are deciding to remain in this reality
This is a brilliant post ,deeply grateful to Almine and to Rogier for posting…
So by proxy can we avert the cataclysm ?
I am beyond greatful to our Beloved Holy Mother for the sacred teachings in Reverence to the Infinite Mother
Love Praise and Gratitude
Thank you Holy Mother for teaching us proxy magic!
Good. Thank you for this Rogier.
Interestingly, I feel I am doing this again now, teaching some of humanity (future leaders) and ancient ones (more help them remember beyond the dream) how to live in this way to create this reality into being.
It all makes perfect sense.