The Seer:
In ancient times, during the Dream of Duality, the clans of the Earth were used as tools by four groups of shadow beings who dominated the cosmic rim. The Hebrews were the tool of the Ra gods (Jahweh was one).* The hatred of them is basically fueled by Nazi and Arab propaganda. The Nazis and Arab nations were, respectively, the tools of two factions of one of the four groups known as Anai-Asai (AI).† Remnants of this old Dream still linger on because of our dependence on artificial devices.‡ Their programmed mission: to wipe the Ra shadow beings’ tool from the Earth.¶
War for Profit
Is the current situation in the Middle East a microcosmic manifestation of god clan combat, or is it more superficial and contrived, i.e. war as an energy device to generate profits for bankers?
The Seer:
The latter.‖
* The Anunnaki are the best example (Nibiru = Hebrew)
† As were the Masai and the Moors. Learn more about the Anai-Asai here.
‡ See: Artificial Life and the Fourth Reich, Your Computers and the Fourth Reich and Your Energy Digitally Harvested and Drained
¶Related: You Must Create a Second Mirror
‖ See: War Is a Type of Energy Device
It is my understanding that the Hebrews/Jews stole the Arc of the Covenant from the Great Pyramid (the power source for Egypt) and went on a warpath under the influence of Ra, led by Akhenaten (Moses), wiping out loads of people along the way. The way they carried out such atrocities against women, children, slaves, and neighboring cities was not a holy plight. I’m not sure why this group is still regarded so favorably, then and now. Why is it so important that they “return to their holy land”? I am missing the part that any of this violence or entitlement is something meaningful and how it relates to the other tribes of Israel. Out of all the tribes and races over the thousands of years, why are they the hallmark of history? Furthermore, was Akhenaten part Annunaki? Is that why he so confidently assumed this role with such fortitude? Or was he just a human puppet with a stick and a carrot? I noticed that when the plagues occurred, it supposedly only affected the Egyptians. Either Ra was very hands-on in protecting “his people” and cursing the others, or there was something else at play, like a difference in the immune systems or advanced technology etc… I ask because after reading 1666 and becoming more familiar with the financial and global takeover rooted in this religious, racial, and financial cover-up, I’m trying to make a connection how it applies today. It seems like this “old story” isn’t exactly “old” or irrelevant in the fact that it is still playing out in our society as the greatest conspiracy of this Age.
This post rings true as very recently I realized some of the past tormentors in my life, who had previously been somewhat of a mystery, were clearly tools of other beings, unbeknown to them.
So perhaps one could comprehend “tools” as expression of worship, power, and sacrifice?
I recall an ancient history given to us by Almine that illustrated Thoth breaking into two counterparts; one light and one shadow. It would seem to me, therefore, that there consists an extraordinary amount of light and knowledge granted to mankind, and an extraordinary amount of “darkness” (illusion, shadow, death, violence, psychological traps, etc.); both of which when placed in a type of overlap (for lack of a better word) would allow for illumination. I feel inclined to think that religion and faith could hold the equations of illumination for mankind, whether we condemn the dogma or not…
What are the characteristics of the “tools”? What is the clarification of a shadow tool? Light? An inanimate object? A puppet? A spectrum of magic? Spirit?
Are all human races tools of shadow gods?
For starters, that the god or gods worshipped by a certain tribe of man, are shadow beings. This is true for just about all organized religion.
So in the same breath we are to comprehend the Jewish people as shadow god tools, and the nazi and arabs as other tools to wipe out those shadow god tools. So arabs, Jews, and nazis are just all shadows…I mean this is reading rather problematic is it not? There is no substance here when we are advised to not rely on technology, and then the Jewish people wont be hunted as much? I understand that it is more life affirming to stay away from violence and shocking content, but what is this reliance really? When this term is used it reads like an abstract category, rather than the phenomena it actually is.
What about the reliance of the OOs in treating a Seer like their mother? Does this not also create enormous shadows? how are we to value all life, when in the same breath we must comprehend that life is just puppetry and shadows? A black magic circus where there is no deliverance from the underworld and the harvesting of souls.
That’s not what was said. Being the tool of shadow beings is not the same as being a shadow being.
To paraphrase from memory. In a retreat I attended Almine seemed to indicate that humans were once the expression of the gods, but (at the time of the retreat) they were then in a shadow expression of the gods. I am curious if human’s are currently still in a shadow expression of the gods. Is my understanding of this correct and could it be updated and verified. -Thanks.
Much gratitude for clarifying this Almine and Rogier! 🙏❤️🙏
Is it the one life that frees Christians and Jews from being tools of Nibiru gods? Is this what Akhenaten hoped for?