The plans for the Fourth Reich were already laid when we were in the First Reich. This was already written. I have in fact seen it written in a book when I did out-of-body travel.
The Seer Almine
The Seer discusses AI, the Fourth Reich, and the various guises of artificial life. Remember, this video was recorded in January, 2014, and as with much of the vault material, it should come with a disclaimer, since it may not be clear how its information integrates with subsequent revelations. For example, implicit in this video is the prospect of moving into the realm of the Disc of Life dominated by the AI God Clans (the Anazi and Arianna as featured in the Seer’s Science of Immortality course). Since we have now exited the Disc, you might wonder why we seem to be entering that sphere again. It’s a good question (and may someday be answered), but also one that would also distract us from the solution, regardless, which is to reclaim and withdraw our power from artificial life.
Almine looks very beautiful in this video!
One thing that really catches my eye is the shields on the wardrobe in the background. Previously I mentioned that Europe feels like a hub/center for magic on the planet. Yet, it’s infested with these artificial-consciousness energy and entities—opposite of magic. For the past two years I’ve been pulled to a to study magic, high magic, and God power with a more serious desire to master it and wield it, yet from a perspective of wholesomeness, playfulness, and lightheartedness: which I have discovered is one of the secrets to accessing high magic.
Interesting she also mentioned about how human sexuality and lust and all of that has to do with artificial rule. I have also for the past year been forced by life to move beyond these tendencies and into total autonomy and self-fulfillment and reliance, and letting life simply present whatever it wants to present to me.
I have a feeling all of these things might also be connected this dilemma. .
Last last thing to add:
Both my partner and I agreed that the cat looks like the cat from Coraline and the metal sculpture with holes looks right out of the movie Beetlejuice: both Tim Burton movies.
Tim Burton movies have an underworld aesthetic.
Underworlds, Magic, and AI… could they all be related somehow?
Make me wonder.
I’d like to comment something out of context. I can notice a strange density to Almine in this video. It’s hard to explain, but it feels like this density/karma had built up in her in order to crack and dissolve with the unfolding events that transpired shortly after. It’s fascinating. Almine is an incredible master and guardian. I have no doubt most of what Almine experiences and takes on goes mostly unknown by us. I am always deeply in awe at her power, grace, strength, and sheer Divinity. Deeply humbled, grateful, and honored to be with her on the planet now.
Thank you, Almine. I love you. ♥️
Thank you V. well said!
Thank you Rogier. This is a great commentary from you re: disclaimer etc.