Why is it important for the blue people to incarnate among the Earth’s various races at this time?✶ What influence does their presence have on the well-being of animals?
The Seer:
The Averushanta (as the blue people are called) have come to spread their comforting presence to the animals of the Earth in order to prevent a very deleterious event from happening. Because of the unwholesome way farm animals are being treated, there is a new form of mad cow disease developing.†I have spoken of this before, after seeing it in the annals of history kept by the people of the future. It creates a self-destructive madness among humans consuming the diseased animal’s flesh, that at first will elude epidemiologists as being the cause. The advent of the blue people among us, has as its aim the prevention of such a horrific scenario from taking place. Ultimately, their efforts won’t be able to completely prevent it without the assistance of the gods. I will be informed, and will ask for your participation, when it’s time for the sacred government to intervene.
The Seer
✶ See: Averushanta : The Blue People Have Returned
†See: Why Meat Has Become a Bad Idea
Any updates on the ceremony to remove the supressed matrices? 🙂
Thank you for sharing this information, Soooo many thanks to the Blue People and to all our lightfamily. Almine much Love and appreciation to You. LPGTH
Oh my goodness!! Yes, please keep us posted. Gratitude!
Thank you for these further details, that these Averushanta are coming to many places in the world. And that, seemingly, there Presence is where their benign influence lies. Even as babies I guess…often babies by their innocent nature have a beautiful presence. I would love to encounter some 💚 But there are only very small organic farms where we live. These children will be more needed in industrial agricultural communities. More power to them!
Gratitude and Respect to the Averushanta! May they be aided and successful in their mission.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful message
Many thanks for sharing
My heart is so grateful to everyone assisting through these turbulent times.
Much gratitude to the Blue people.