This post was originally published on Messages For Lightworkers (2016-2019)
You are either a cause, or you are an effect (which is what the masses are).
The Seer
The Ancient Ones that follow this journey disrespect these holy revelations by searching for truth and validations among the teachings of man. This creates alternate realities and delays progress on Earth. This journey is for the holy ones; that they may receive at a higher level that which creates a peaceful and sacred future.
Angelgod Ufravimvael
One cannot fill a cup that is already full. It is only by admitting that we don’t know, that the wonders of the universe reveal themselves to us.
The Seer
The folly of man is that he says he searches for truth, but what he searches for is to affirm his already held belief systems.
The Seer
It is clear to me what happen by all said…….say we the secret processe are start with me some how……….of course we are by special and verry secret work here…..
Love these audio recordings. Thank you Almine and Rogier
I am fully in agreement with what Almine says, it is our responsibility to emit the new.
VERY PROFOUND… Thank you for giving us a repeat of this message.