Never have the Lightbearers of the planet been asked to play a more pivotal role in the survival of the planet and her creatures, than now. Continue reading →
Thank You for Your Steadfast Loyalty
Thank you for your steadfast loyalty to these sacred truths we are blessed with. Continue reading →
Be a Light Unto the World
Find something each day to be grateful for and inspired by, that you may be a light unto the world. Continue reading →
The Greatest Pitfall of Seeking Advice
Your dream symbols and dreamtime insights are far more accurate than advice from a self-appointed psychic. Continue reading →
Empower the Planet Through the Power This Yields
The higher the consciousness, the more self-healing and restoration takes place to allow the Earth to be a peaceful and safe home for all creatures. Continue reading →
The Way of the Goddess
As a group, they combine high alchemy with proxy magic which yields an even more powerful result than if only one alchemist sends an alchemical intention. Continue reading →