The ice age occurrences have been dated quite differently by geologists. Are they not accurate?
The Seer:
They have been dated correctly. These very recent dates are not accurate as far as the Gregorian calendar goes, but they’re useful for two reasons:
- They give the sequence of events
- Since the geological findings are correct, the corresponding Shining Ones’ records can be used to figure out the relationship between the two timekeeping methods.
Remember Us
I find the material about the Shining Ones (the history of the Original Ones) fascinating. Are you experiencing this history as a vision, or translating it from ancient scrolls or tablets, or is a being (a spirit?) telling you about it?
The Seer:
The first section of the material was seen as a vision.
The second section of the material came from their seven emerald green tablets called the Amnesta Usetvu — the “Seven tales of the People”. (Their word for ‘tales’, would more accurately be translated as ‘the retelling’— which means it came from their oral traditions.)
Then there have been key bits of information supplied by the dream body (i.e. not a spirit) of someone called Mohammed who resides in Cadiz in Spain. He is unaware of what’s happening during the day and only comes at night. Last night I asked him why this information is relevant at this time. He said:
“We are the fathers and mothers of the advancement of civilization on Earth; the architects behind the astounding scientific and engineering marvels of the ancients. Remember us and how we sang the great stone monuments into existence.”
If our Gregorian calendars are not correct, I do wonder what year we are actually in? 🙂
Magnificent and fascinating!!!
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this.