Mostly, man has functioned from the upper part of his body and it is as though he has been cutoff from his roots, which is the part that receives. As a consequence, the blood sugar of most is high because the ability to retain and receive the sweetness of life is very undeveloped.✶
The Seer
In Hebrew mysticism the Infinite is characterized as that which gives of Itself. You might say instead that the Infinite is beyond giving and receiving. But I mention it, because you’ve said that humanity tends to overpolarize into giving / output, and is not particularly adept at receiving. This imbalance applies to Original Ones as well, and so sometimes I wonder how it relates — or traces back to — the Infinite / Embodiment?
The Seer:
To examine your question bit by bit:
“In Hebrew mysticism the Infinite is characterized as that which gives of Itself…”
The cosmos is a mirror image of the Infinite’s Being, with various degrees of self-suppression of the Infinite’s glory, so that It can create degrees of density within which to examine Itself in the mirror. It’s a little like examining yourself in the mirror while dimming the light with a dimmer switch. What can be said to be the gift that the Infinite gives Its creations, is the suppression of Its own expression — Its own light — so that Its creations can experience individuation and relationship.
“… you’ve said that humanity tends to overpolarize into giving / output, and is not particularly adept at receiving… “
If I had made that statement, then I should have been more clear. The obsessive over-polarization of output of humanity in general, is not a quest to give to those less fortunate or to make life on Earth better. The hyper-activity of mankind is an obsessive quest to amass and accrue; to endlessly get more and more. It’s based on greed rather than altruism.
Why I made the statement that humanity is not very adept at receiving, is that the priceless, but subtle gifts and blessings of life are overlooked and unappreciated by man.
Which brings me to the last part of your question.
The Infinite Has Created a Deliberate Imbalance
You have asked if the greedy quest of man for increase, is a reflection of something in the expression of the Infinite. A very profound question that has a very profound answer.
Some precursory insights:
- All that can ever be known is the self.
- If anything can be understood, it is because it’s already something that is part of who we are.
- The cosmos (with its multi-universes) is in a constant tube-toral movement — like a donut moving in upon itself. One side is on the ‘red road’, outward movement away from the center, while the other side is on a ‘blue road’, inward movement moving towards the center of the tube torus.â€
For the movement to occur, one side’s movement has to have a stronger pull than the other side. If the two sides had an equal pull, life would come to a standstill, stagnate and die.
Yes, the Infinite has created a deliberate imbalance between the outward movement of cosmic life (the reaching for more information about Itself), than the inward movement of cosmic life (the receiving of understanding and perception).
The choice of over-emphasizing the reach for more knowledge, is the obvious stronger pull. There is no end to what can be known and so the quest for new revelations, has no end — and it therefore provides a steady impetus for cosmic movement.‡
This is why the overbalance is evident within man — the microcosm — as well.
The Seer
✶Listen: May You Find Again the Sweet Things in Life
†See: 8:12 Back to the Heart of God and A Sleeping Dream of the Infinite
‡See: The Impetus That Drives Life Forward
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What a beautiful post. Thank you Rogier and Almine.
Thankyou for this in depth and resonant response beloved Almine 💖
Oh this is such a great explanation!! Thank you for the great question Rogier. I always wondered about that too.
Deep gratitude for this well laid out answer Almine!!
I WONDER if there where mystery schools at one time where humanity knew MUCH more than they do now?
Just love the question and very detailed answers from Almine. Much gratitude and praise to the Infinite