You have for years been training us to be immortal. But if an immortal being chooses to leave life and move on to the next stage of the journey, how can that be done? What is the impetus that drives life forward?
The Seer:
The impetus that drives us forward through life, is asking questions. When we choose to leave life for death, the way to do it is therefore to stop asking questions.
Therefore an Original One choosing death does not necessarily mean they succumbed to the human matrix?
The Seer:
This advice is for immortal masters who have NOT succumbed to the human matrix.
Thank you for confirming this. Of course, observing the unquestioning daze most of humanity resides in, you could say ‘no questions’ is a feature of their death paradigm.
The Seer:
A reminder key…
Some ponderings:
Becoming effectively immortal rather than potentially as an Original One is, requires complete Mastery. Self-realisation.
At that point the Master has recalled who s/he Is: the One. In the moment ever new. Where actions are ‘inevitable’. And so are answers.
No questions are necessary. Questioning is no longer relevant.
Then, in order to remain in incarnation in the immortal body, it is necessary to ask a question from time to time, to wind the grandfather clock back up!
Perhaps Almine still asks questions of the Infinite as a playful activity…in order to stay on in her body.
Really great ideas here, and well expressed, Barbara Kathryn! I like this train of thinking!
💫 🎶 💫
Nice work Rogier. Gratitude to Almine.
This is a multi-layered question and answers that we cannot just take at face value, given the limitations of anything written down. There is a lot that lays beneath.
I gather ” immortal masters who have NOT succumbed to the human matrix” means, those that have proved or claimed their immortality by living beyond one life time or several life times, but then choose death for some other purpose…..
Can questions also create matrices?
great question and insight… LPGTH
I sat there yesterday thinking in my quiet contemplating, what is the true self, a perspective came as I heard. It is what it is.?
I read it several times and questions arose, one of which is acceptance without questioning or wondering where the vacc came from?…
This could be the case?