The presence of death was all around them and death is the great advisor. Continue reading →
Chaos Yields to Order
Speaking of the fabric changing, several UFOs gathered above the house during the ceremony. Continue reading →
The Roads Are Full of Ghost Animals
When a kingdom is burdened with ghosts, it ties up energy and the entire kingdom lowers in consciousness. Continue reading →
The Cause of the Decay of Aging
One of the causes of aging is the accumulation of conscious (white light) and subconscious (black light) memories. Continue reading →
When an Immortal Master Dies
In the beginning, at first, it was just a homogenized consciousness. Then there came individuations (through frequency). Continue reading →
Something That Has Not Happened for 500 Billion Years
Exactly how it will impact our daily life, is not yet clear to me. But one of the ways would be that the nightmarish quality that some have felt in their daily lives, should disappear. Continue reading →