What would prompt people not to ask any questions?
The Seer:
We have the extraordinary benefit of being able to ask any question and getting it answered through revelation. But can you imagine if we didn't? What would be the point of asking, if there's no way to receive an answer? The lack of trust that for those with eyes to see any answer will reveal itself, that all of creation speaks to us, must be such a hopeless feeling! No wonder they don't even bother to ask!
Revelation here means: 'through the Seer's received tools and perception', and through dream symbols in the environment, for personal guidance. (The point being that most don't have the knowledge of self-guidance or don't know where to access the Seer's guidance.)
Patricia Chalmers says
Hi Rogier
Noy sure if this is an appropriate request. How can I access the Seer's guidance. Is it accessible through telepathy? Unfortunately I only came across Almine after she retired so dont have access to her courses etc. is there any book still in circulation that you would recommend?
Rogier says
Hi Patricia,
Guidance here is referring to the new messages published both on this website and All the books — and most of the online courses — are still available digitally via the Almine Store (while the paperback versions may be ordered via bookstores)
Annita says
Thank you 💖💝
Vanessa says
Dhani says
Gio says