☆ Translated From the High Hamagda ☆
Much has been said about the Eternal Song of Existence
How it will end hardship and strife
It is now emphasized because its time is due
But it is as important as the insights gained by you
The Eternal Light of Existence, effortless insights are named
The perception of the mind, is not the same
Scar tissue forms where the song is unexpressed
Rigidity is caused and movement is suppressed
Why is it that life has seemed locked in place?
Because, of its three hundred expressions, only four have taken place
Like a big cycle of three hundred discs of frequency,
and the same number of light
The fourth cycle of frequency, Patua it's called,
was damaged by Atlantis' plight
The fourth cycle of frequency, has as its opposite side,
The two hundred and ninety sixth's cycle of light
When Atlantis sank, the trauma was great
A breach between the light and frequency cycles was made
The frequency cycles could only cycle from one through four
The light cycles could only go from one to two hundred ninety-six,
unless restored
This is the description of how the communication between
the masculine and feminine broke
Communication must be a cycle that is unbroken.
The Seer Almine
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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Karl Lacour says
Go ride a bicycle
Dhani says
So, at which point in the cycles are we now? Are the original ones at different points of the cycle or all at the same point of existence?
Thank you so much for this great clarification of the cycles of existence.
Alex M says
Does this have anything to do with now?