Notes From the Seer
My Dearest Ones,
Please don’t take your immortal bodies for granted, but rather, treat them with the respect all things holy deserve.
The greater the blessings you bring to this life, the greater the responsibility you have taken on. These are life-changing times and as such, require tremendous fluidity. Stress is the result of fighting against our responsibilities because we compare our lives to that of others, or to the way it used to be before life went into its chaotic — from our limited perspectives — destructuring† of the old comfort zones we used to depend upon.
We may have been able to escape the consequences of unhealthy habits before, but unless we change as the demands on us do, we will be unhealthy, unhappy and over-stressed.
The Original Ones are being asked to master life as they have mastered death. That means they are to be the wayshowers of wholesome, flourishing lives that honor the aliveness of all the gifts of nature and embrace in balance the rhythms of rest and labor (the rhythms of giving and receiving).
To wallow in self-pity because you are given the opportunity to give more than another, is to imply that your Inner Nurturer cannot govern you well-being in a mature and self-nurturing way.
Eating whole, life-giving foods, is the foundation of a life well-lived. The hollow, lifeless foods that come conveniently packaged in a way that gives the false promise of nutrition, aren’t worth the time they save in preparation. The approximate 80,000 meals an average human eats in a mortal life time, are mostly not worthy of the name “food”. As an immortal it is your destiny to consume many more meals than that. We have been stressing the fact that you control the quality of this eternal journey. A better quality begins with better foods gratefully and lovingly prepared.
I have been inspired to write these notes by the loving and dedicated way in which some members of our Lightfamily (I affectionately call our ‘Magic Garden Support Team’) have planted and cared for the vegetable garden to feed our bodies, and our flower gardens to feed our souls. My deep gratitude for the beautiful light our Lightfamily is shining on this Earth.
The Seer Almine
This special message, evolving deeper layers of insight in a familiar theme, is a thank you for the donations and tithes to the Seer this past month.
💜 This priceless message from The Seer is brought to you by the Original Ones 🦄
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†See: The Sun Shall Set on Humanity and The Descent of Light
Thank you so much to Almine for this direct reminder, this issue of not eating whole food has been a problem for me lately and the consequences have been as described above, but with remembering this eternal perspective and acknowledging that packaged and pre-prepared meals are not a food source, I feel so much more supported to turn it around. Deepest gratitude to the Magic garden support team for being a proxy, we are so blessed!
Love the poetic still-life photos you share.
Of course you don’t put my comment on regarding Keto food.. Even though it makes perfect sense and works but might not be In line with all the spirtual concepts being vegan and all. You are so unbelievably predictable Rogier. I bet you put this comment on in hope of making me appear in a bad light as usual. LMAO🤣
Thank you so much for this beautiful and inspiring message ❤️ 🌹🌺🌷
Oh yes it’s very wonderful. Thank you for this lovely note Almine. 🙂
So lovely. Thank you Almine 🌹
Have the effects of the vaxines been lessened?
I have started to eat keto food. Lots of protein. Little Carbonite. Its amazing. I have never feelt better and I lost a lot of weight. I highly recommend it but it’s very difficult if not impossible if you are vegan. It has clear health benefits. Many have got rid of migraine for instance after eating keto.
Simply reminding me to finally “get it together Alex!” 🙂 Thank you Almine.
Thank you for this reminder Almine😊