I visited her a few weeks later and to my astonishment found that she looked not years, but decades younger! Continue reading →
The Cause of the Decay of Aging
One of the causes of aging is the accumulation of conscious (white light) and subconscious (black light) memories. Continue reading →
When an Immortal Master Dies
In the beginning, at first, it was just a homogenized consciousness. Then there came individuations (through frequency). Continue reading →
The Illusion of Choice, The Illusion of Timing
In looking at life, we may think that wrong choices were made, but as we never really made them, that is impossible. Continue reading →
You Have No Idea to What Degree Bankers Control the World (Part 2)
You are the most important being in your environment. And if others pull your strings, you are stepping out from being the moving figure in-between two mirrors, and stepping into the mirror. Continue reading →
We Have to Find a Happy Thought
Peter Pan always had to find his happy thought; his happy thought would make him fly. Continue reading →