We’re not exactly sure what you mean with “the massive exodus of souls” in yesterday’s message…
The Seer:
The massive loss of life that cataclysmic weather conditions, war and engineered diseases can bring.â€
The question arises as to why we would want to outlive our loved ones and the demise of our environment? Because it is our destiny to master life and death and to achieve incorruptibility. As gods among men, we cannot be slaves to death or life.
To break away from a reality where death rules all creatures, is a natural quest for godbeings. The gods know that death is not the natural outcome of eternal life. To set all life free from the belief system of death as an inevitable event, is the greatest service anyone can render. Death and decay has produced more tragic heartache and despair than any other cause.
Overcoming death and learning to embrace life, is a long journey. But even the longest journey consists of individual steps. The robins are pointing out that the shedding of a national or cultural identity, is the next step.
The Seer
†Related: The Next Great Depression and A Very Tentative Timetable of Prophetic Events
Love the MESSAGE. Thank You
Yes, massive clearing is at hand.
I am amazed at how every step I take aligns with your wisdom. I am in awe of the magic of the Oneness with you that we share. I love you Almine. Thank you Rogier for sharing these interactions with us. They are golden!! Joanne 🌺💖
I have no words to explain the feeling that this post fell on me, but I love it in a cozy way
Only yesterday I was meditating and in meditation I saw my body on a wooden chair looking out the window and around me no one from my family was present, just me and my gaze was calm