A question we received:
Why have many Original Ones (especially the goddesses) begun to show signs of aging?
The Seer:
There are two flaws of attitude (two occlusions of perception) that are leaking out energy and causing a loss of power. There shouldn’t be aging.
I have been trying to look at aging differently; to see the poetry of aging. Is that the answer?
The Seer:
Trying to reconcile oneself to aging, means to accept the unacceptable. By knowing decay isn’t meant to occur, one searches for the flaws that cause the loss of resources needed for self-regeneration. Search instead for the two areas that leak energy. To do anything else is to compromise.
Why have spiritual leaders throughout the ages, told their followers that eternal life comes after death?
The Seer:
Because they’re human and didn’t know any better. Because they couldn’t achieve immortality and therefore compromised their vision.
What are the two areas that leak the energy that we need to youthen through self-regeneration?
The Seer:
Finally, you are asking the right question.
To be continued...
for me it is at this time, 74 years, the acceptance to be as I am….grateful that I have this time conquered those issues placed before me….where in some lifetimes before I was very insecure and not able to connect with my highest goal.
can now feel it is that which brought me here again. was stillborn clinically and entered the body who was “dead” for a certain period in birth canal…..had effected my whole attitude towards life….happy now and grateful for all the help I got from lightbeings and some friends…..
At 72 years, I am experiencing lots of shaking in physical energy available overcoming chronic health issues. While knowing there is no death or aging. Grateful for guidance in breaking thru opening to higher dimensions.