What are the two areas that leak the energy that we need to youthen through self-regeneration?
The Seer:
The first flaw preventing the conserving of energy and increasing of power, is to be addicted to giving. Any addiction creates a need rather than a preference. We excuse addictions by calling them “worthy pursuits”. Which they may be, but not at the expense of living our own life fully.
I have noticed this addiction in myself; how easy it is to give at my own expense when one is a homemaker for a family. To care more about their care than my own, comes easily when it enhances their happiness and is a pleasure to do. To surprise them with a little token of my love, seems to delight the Inner Child and the Inner Nurturer. The Inner Child loves to surprise others and the Nurturer appraises its own worth by how much it can improve the life of others. Creating the fulfillment of others’ glad expectations cannot be permitted to crowd out improving ones own joy of living.
Decay Is the Result of Misusing Energy
Secondly, we need to release our complete misunderstanding of what “decay” is. Decay is the result of misusing energy and therefore disrupting the natural function of eternal self-regeneration. Aging isn’t (and never has been) a normal state of being the body is designed to exist in — perpetual self-regeneration is. The stages of physical development alternate between proactive and receptive. When we do not synchronize our lifestyle accordingly, we leak energy that is needed for self-regeneration. These stages are clearly marked in the lives of women:
While she is able to procreate (to be “fertile”), she is in a proactive stage (raising children, being a partner and spouse, homemaking, etc.). She is in a giving stage.
Then she enters a receptive stage during which much introspection is required to be able to receive insights about herself and the world around her. If the active habits of her previous stage continue to be prevalent (because she has learnt how to appraise her worth by being needed or admired), then she will not align herself with the receptive nature of her new stage and she will lose energy and age. To be passive during the previous stage, was deemed “lazy”, but to be passive during this later stage is, in fact, wise.
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I can`t comprehend the idea of immortality. And what is the meaning of immortality. I really do not understand it.
I am 74, I am aging and do not have the same energi as before. I am not able to believe in it.
Thank You Almine!
Thank you so much for the precious information. This brings up several additional questions. I have long since wondered if, with ageing being an unnatural phenomenon and linearity being an illusion, the “life stages” as mentioned here that are clearly marked in humans at least still hold any sway. Are these relevant still then to Original Ones, or is this information specifically pertaining to humans?
I’ve wondered from this angle… I am according to human standards and assuming I had a birth and had followed a linear trajectory a relatively “young person” (32). I am at the stage in my life where most peers including fellow OO’s are procreating and so forth, and while that is not my path, it is abundantly apparently that my aligned path right now is to be highly proactive in other ways that are relevant to me, essentially “mothering” in a different format. It’s very active, there is a tonne of output, and that is completely appropriate and a correct use of my energy. Whereas for others I’m connected with who are “older”, the pace that I move at feels completely out of synch with their own bio-rhythms.
While what I’m doing right now feels like a very natural flow and rhythm and exactly what I should be doing right now, I’ve wondered if the sense of this natural flow that seems related to “life stage” is in itself a program. This post would seem to suggest that it’s not.
Further to that, knowing myself as an immortal, I’ve then wondered what happens when I’m 100, 150, 200 in terms of “life stages”, when generally life stages are considered to be something that is part of the human paradigm and normally don’t last that long? At what point do you stop being a “young person”, and then when you’re immortal, when do you become an “older person”? I wonder if the life stages rather move in alternating cycles, and it’s simply that humanity has never got beyond a particular cycle to demonstrate what comes after that? Does the more passive state mentioned here eventually yield to something else again?
Also then just re: aging in general, it would seem that aging here is being defined as the decay form of aging, vs aging as in appearing to get older (without the decay). What about aging as in just seeming to get older? For example, I appear to have aged compared to how I was 10 years ago at 22, in that I look older than I did before, but not in the decay sense. Is there a point at which that form of “aging” freezes and you perpetually look like you did at 40 or 60 or whatever when when you’re 200? Or is that our choice? Or is the point that the body is freely formed according to our intent and we’ve chosen this format on purpose so as to play along with the charade of being human and not freak people out and stand out even more conspicuously than we already do, but it doesn’t necessary have to be this way?
I’ve often wondered how Almine is going pull off still being around in 100 years without raising eyebrows (assuming life on Earth still isn’t ready to accept her by then), does she simply have to “look older” to the untrained eye to get away with it? I’ve only encountered her once in person, but when I did I saw her true form inter-dimensionally and come to think of it she did look about 22, so maybe I’ve answered my own question.
So precedent Ré Inner Nurturer / Inner Child
Yep, very worthy question. Thank you for these great insights Almine!
THANK YOU !!!!!!