The measure of someone’s greatness is not who they were, but how much they’ve overcome. Continue reading →
They Will Fall
So I let the Seer read the latest hate mail and she requested I share the following. Continue reading →
Recycling Illusion Back as Strong Suits
When I first saw this image in a dream, I realized I should make the filter big, but close to the bottom. Continue reading →
Forming a Black Hole
Great light emitted by an individual, creates descension by forming a black hole. It contracts all space around it. Continue reading →
The Hard Way
I’ve wondered whether I should do a Q&A to counter Sergey’s ongoing smear campaign against me, but the Seer reminded me this would be a waste of time. Continue reading →
The Void
The awareness particles, or light and frequency, are all still part of the reflection of the Infinite and not the actual Being we call the Infinite. Continue reading →