Some emotions build and energize, some destructure and breakdown that which has been built. Continue reading →
Signs of Suffering
I visited her a few weeks later and to my astonishment found that she looked not years, but decades younger! Continue reading →
AI Is Not All Bad
The message from such a procedure is that AI is not all bad because it will be needed to save the planet. Continue reading →
A Temporary Inconvenience
Her body would ache from healing hundreds of people week after week — sometimes until the early hours of the morning without a break, after having taught for a full day. Continue reading →
Always Living Her Highest Truth
We lock ourselves into limited mediocrity by carrying the burdens of defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms. Continue reading →
Sore Boil Symbolism
May I request the symbolic meaning of a sore boil under the skin (in my neck)? Continue reading →