The Seer has had a right hip injury that was sustained years ago and has been bothering her ever since. She has been diligently studying the deeper meaning of such an injury, and has asked that we share the insights pertaining to the joints involved.
We want to express our deepest love and respect to her, as she proactively aims to restore the joint to normal function. We wish her a speedy recovery, and as her Lightfamily, we send our deepest gratitude for her dedication to always living her highest truth with impeccability.
Right ankle:
You strengthen what you oppose. The only way to deal with something adversarial is to incorporate it within.
Right knee:
When we value the peace of simplicity over the accomplishments of our complexity or vice versa, we perpetuate the opposite of what we seek. The answer is to integrate opposites so that they become mutually inspirational to one another.
Right hip:
We lock ourselves into limited mediocrity by carrying the burdens of defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are based on yesterday’s failures; coping mechanisms are based on yesterday’s success.
The Seer
Wheels for Cleansing the Joints

Belvaspata Sigils for Cleansing the Joints

Thank you Jan, and Rogier, I thought the same thing, I went searching for the wheels and sigils…didn’t find everything.
I do like to study what is posted to see if it applies to my life, or if I may assist in proxy, it would be helpful Rogier if you could source ( and I know you often do💙) but if the material is new, ie, Almine has revised or just created, could you note that too. I appreciate the work you do to bring us fresh insights and information Rogier.
Thank you.🙏
Hi Rogier,
Would you please post the source (webinar, book, course, etc) of the wheels and sigils given here; and do the same for other similar posts. It would be helpful to all.
I must confess that I had to search for the information even though it looked familiar. I found the wheels but the sigils don’t match the same source content. The mystery remains.
Thank you.
Dearest Almine, I hope we may gain the insights from this which you carry for all sooner than later.
All my love and gratitude to you for your devoted service and for always guiding us with impeccably.
Beloved Almine , You demonstrate such courage. Loving every step of the way. I honor revere you deeply. Always reflect on my own behavior and gain such strength from being with you on this journey. Heal in grace and with tenderness from your loving light family.
Many healing Blessings to you beloved Holy Mother. May you have a speedy recovery. Thank you for these insights I am in deep gratitude for you to bring these into light. Much love and deep reference 🙏🍀❤️🌹
Infinite blessings beautiful Almine. I wish for speedy healing. My heart is full of gratitude and praise for you. I love you dearly.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us among endless teachings and gifts.
Rogier and Almine,
Thank you for these insights. Is there a specific way that we use these wheels and sigils?
I will look through time and let you know what i see
Beloved Almine,
This one is so sorry that you have to carry that for the many , we have to look deep in ourself to heal this .
I wish you beloved a quick recovery and no pain.
Because we know that the Infinte in her Body is carrying every discomfort.
Wishing you many lady bugs,and many roses.
Thank you, dear Almine. All my love to you.
I offer my deepest Love, Respect and Gratitude to you Beloved Almine🥰 Trusting a speedy recovery and wholeness to the joints. May we gain the insights to clear joint pain and move forward in impeccability releasing yesterdays failures and successes😇
Sending you dearest Beloved one Almine, my divine love and a warm blanket made of Blessings of Grace to you always for your service to All of us.
I would like to share my insight for the right hip insight as written above, but does not have a conclusion: thank you.
In my own life I had lived and experienced both great success and great failure…there is no difference, they are both transient experiences…that is what they share in common, neither one lasts.
My insight is Life doesn’t see success or failure, it only sees how we experience them.
It is our small self that judges it and divides it, but they exist within each other and always lead to growth in some way. They benefit us and become the jewels of our character, our true integrity as they add to our beauty and truth. What we become from the experiences of either or both gives us inner strength and fortitude if we should need it.
You have taught me well, dearest beloved One, may you always be in the loving arms of Grace.
Yes, wishing her our sympathies while the Seer is recovering her steps back to original Oneness. Gratitude for taking on these ailments by proxy……
Dearest Almine,
Deepest wishes and holding sacred space
for the unfolding of this journey into wholeness and beyond.
All my love.
Holding Sacred Space for a speedy full recovery for Beloved Almine🙏🦢💓
Beloved Almine….
I ask for you a speedy recovery…
I am sending you so many Infinite Blessings…
I am very deeply Greatful for your presance on the planet and even though there may be discomfort you still share these precious insights….
My deep Love Always and Respect
Thank you for posting this Rogier – it inspires me as to not give up with “old” injuries, etc. Thank you Beloved Almine for showing us how to live and the attitude to always live the teaching “our being is our sustanance”.
Thank you, Almine, for the insights! My left side is the problematic one. I will look for the self wheels for the left.
Yes, me too….. my left ankle is extremely painful.