May each breath you take be an ode to the Glory of the Infinite One and may your life be lived as a refined instrument in the hand of the One Life expressing as the many. Continue reading →
The Cows Act Drunk
It is strongly advised against — for several reasons. Especially since they started feeding the cows hops. Continue reading →
The Heart Discerns The Most
The specialized cells in the heart that behave like brain cells, are the seat of emotional intelligence. Continue reading →
From Subservience to Self-Sovereignty
DNA manipulation effects brain function, which is why mental disorders are often hereditary. Offspring inherit qualities of the parents’ DNA. Continue reading →
The Reptilian Escape Plan
Beloved ones, it is important for my global Lightfamily to take their participation in this ceremony seriously — the reptilian infiltrators are doing so. Continue reading →
Ceremony Instructions (Evolving the Reptilian Brain)
Create a circle large enough to surround the space where you will be lying, by placing the twenty glyphs of The Magical Alphabet in a clockwise circle. Continue reading →