The Seer:
I have been watching a possible future with some alarm for a few months now — a cataclysmic future you have this day‡ managed to prevent. I had previously seen that the possibility existed that in approximately fifty years (two generations from now) a massive volcano in the Atlantic Ocean would erupt causing mass extinction of life. At approximately 12:12pm PST today, that future no longer existed.
At 12:30pm PST, I received the following message from the fairy kingdom of the Mammoth Hot Springs, in Yellowstone Park in Wyoming USA:
Tritelsa plushnit everunishviva
(Gratitude to the Holy Ones)
Isilni hasuta brivinilisvi esterutat
(The volcano under Yellow Stone sleeps once more)
Krivisurat brenusalvihuras aruterenut
(So does the volcano under the ice in the Antarctic)
Tritelsa, tritelsa, tritelsa
(Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude)
From the Earth Keeper Angelgod, Manurashvrabis:
"The soul and spirit of the earth has united. The Earth no longer wants to die. We weep with joy"
He's describing what takes place in a second resurrection.
The Seer Almine
‡The Original Ones' Summer Solstice ceremonies
Vanessa says
So amazing yippee!
Vladimir says
Maria J says
Tritelsa Tritelsa Tritelsa
So much Joy!✨
Ailsa Mclean says
Dancing for joy!!!!!
Mieke says
My heart, my all – is singing with Joy. In Gratitude for letting us know dear Almine, and Rogier for posting this.
Vanessa says
Profound Day it has been truly….. I am forever changed….
Bas Waaijer says
I'm both grateful and curious about what prevented this future. 🙏
Laurie says
Wonderful news! Immense gratitude and relief for our beloved Earth. Thank you Almine and the blessed Original Ones!
Katherine Toy Miller says
Love, Praise, Gratitude, Trust through the Eternal Perspective, and Great Glad Expectations for Almine, the Original Ones, the Fairies, the Angelgods, and especially for the Earth!
Alexandra says
I hope to discuss this further as to what this means for how life will now unfold for us, for them, for everything. Would listening to the "Preparing for a second resurrection" on the Almine store be helpful in providing additional information?. I know it means something miraculous because if she no longer feels overwhelmed, she must know her burdens will be lifted without too much 'drama' for us….or from too many humans hanging around passed their time to 'move on' I guess.
Anyway I am super stoked that she feels relieved from her suffering. What a time to be here huh?.
Vicky says
Tears and happiness!!! Tritelsa Tritelsa Tritelsa Love that ! Gratitude xox
Alexandra Murray says
Laura says
I‘m also weeping in joy now! Thanks to all 🙏 It was an epic day!
SonjaJean says
Deep gratitude and joy 🙏🦋🌎 to all who contributed. 🕊 Eternal love ❤️ Light Family ❤️
kelly wilmeth says
So amazing! Thank you Almine!