Examples of messages from the masculine component of Spirit
using the Poetry of Dreaming‡
“A tiny foot in his mother’s hand. She studies her newborn’s toes – like rows of corn kernels planted in a field, waiting to find their place in the sun.”
It is still in developmental stages, waiting to become mature.
“The might of the ocean pushing through a cleft in the rocks, the visionary writes the first word of the book to come…”
It has a foreshortened future and lack of depth perception, taking appearances at face value. This is indicative of immaturity or an adult that has been traumatized.
“From the warm pulsating cradle of his mother’s breast, the infant pauses his suckling to listen to the invading chimes of the clock.”
Focused on addiction to gratification and resents interference. Wants instant gratification. Wants to control the environment.
“Through a bedroom window, a child studies the mystery of the fading hills marching across the land like soldiers into the mists.”
It thinks it knows the unknowable and lacks perspective due to inadequate perspective and experience.
“The monk marks the solemnity of the hour with the reverberating beat of the gong. A white butterfly flutters by unimpressed.”
Egocentricity sees itself as the first cause. It has moral certitude and tries to enforce its self-righteous opinions.
“A basket of berries, a single pie; the fruit of the field, a labor of love, tell of a mother and child’s stroll down a country lane.”
The advantages of this journey have only partially yielded results. The quality of the journey is as important as the end results. Nothing needs to be hurried. There has never been anything ‘wrong’.
“With endless optimism, a bright yellow daisy, growing between the train tracks, spreads its petals to embrace the sun.”
The masculine of Spirit has had the cruelty of innocence — not understanding that it has inflicted distress on the other levels of life. Its dictatorial arrogance stems from lack of perspective and an inability to see behind face value.
The masculine of spirit is:
- Compulsive-obsessive due to stunted emotional development.
- If this were an adult, it would be neurotic, bordering on being psychotic.
- Irrational and fear-based motivations.
- The masculine of spirit is the 2 year-old Inner Babe of the family of the psyche of man or the cosmos.
The night after this transmission, I had hours of sped-up black and white movie images of the history of the cosmos pass in front of my eyes. I could see the origin of individuation quite graphically.
To be continued...
The Seer Almine
Originally featured on I Am Presence (2014)
‡Also see: Labyrinth of the Moon on FB
Very interesting to witness Almine’s insight into usage of the Poetry of Dreaming here. At first glance the poetry seems almost endearing, not unlike some of the Songs of the Earth.
So is this transmission recent??
thank you for your posts us Mother Almine – each word is valuable, precious, and received with reverence and love. Can;t wait for the “to be continued” to follow!!!