Related: Ningishzidda (Thoth)
Why is the figure of the Atacama desert’s geoglyph (sometimes called the Atacama Giant) on the Pope’s robe?
The Seer:
The short answer is: it represents God the Father.
The longer answer may be disturbing to some, but here it is:
In the occult traditions the Atacama figure is known to represent Thoth the Atlantean. The occult knowledge tells us that Thoth the Atlantean incarnated as Thoth, Hermes, and Jesus of Nazareth. He had committed so many offenses against humanity that he was not permitted to incarnate again after that.
Thoth became obsessed with trying to live again by entering the mummified remains of dead Pharaohs (Thoth was behind the Egyptian mummification practices and funerary rites) and stealing lifeforce from the dead and dying.
When an aspect of Thoth was born again as Jesus, he assisted in establishing Jesus as a doer of miracles and guiding him into building Christendom to control humanity. As the advisor of Jesus he became ‘God the Father’ that Jesus referred to.
The Atacama figure on the Pope’s robe means that among the many hidden Vatican secrets, they are aware that Thoth was the one referred to as God the Father. The Pope is honoring Thoth by wearing his symbol on his robe.
Deeper Secrets of the Seer’s Answer
In the month of September in 1997, the Seer created a hologram of herself to parent her child and run her business in her absence. She embarked on one of the most ambitious and profound mystical journeys she has claimed to have yet experienced. It was so mystical that she has refrained from trying to describe it until now.
The Seer was sent to a remarkably empty area of space — it was even devoid of the subatomic building blocks of life. She was told that that had been the location where our present day universe used to reside before it ascended to a higher reality. She was told where to find the pocket of space in which the Akashic records of the Earth during the previous life of the universe, had been kept), specifically regarding the non-life-enhancing deeds during that time, of the one later known as Jesus.
When she asked why these records had to be retrieved, she was told, “his subterfuge is so complete that without the previous records no one would believe him capable of such deeds.”
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Thank you Almine and Rogier for this information. Yes, for me too, it brings the necessity for a deep internal shift. It feels liberating though.
Could it be that Toth recognized the coming of a natural evolutionary step in human evolution and appropriated it to his own interest and nefarious ends with the establishment of religion, Vatican, etc.?
The new evolutionary step being: the new ability to turn awareness inside and connect with true Divine presence directly, instead of making animals etc. sacrifices to etheric nature “gods” for benefits – which seems to have been common allover the planet at the time -, except that the movement inside was now funneled to Toth and “his father” instead.
In this perspective, there could be a higher way to understand that times when new heart based principles were being introduced, as the new step of evolution, without getting ourselves caught into the allegiance to the person of Christ and his “father”.
In some areas, the law of talion used to be prevalent, “eye for an eye”, retribution, vengeance, retaliation. However, then, some notions of compassion, forgiveness, fairness, ability of an individual to change from bad to better, inner work on the heart, were brought into the collective awareness? Again, not by Toth (as Christ), but by the natural wave of evolution that he rode and appropriated.
Nowadays also there is a natural wave in evolution which we feel in our own awareness, as we are now able to think in terms of Global Unity (Unity in diversity), which nefarious forces are trying to ride and appropriate as “globalism” and tyranny?.
Just a few thoughts…
I am deeply grateful Dear Almine, and Rogier, for sharing the information – and Deeper Secrets – here. It has not especially shocked me to be honest.
I want to know the absolute Truth, always, even if it hurts!! Otherwise, to be cocooned in a protective ‘bubble’ of lies serves no-one.
I know you will always share the absolute Truth, when it becomes available, or when it is pertinent to do so.
Again, thank you.
Much Love,
Anita xxx ❤️🌹🥰.
So Lucifer can incarnate now, Gabriel is now working in the underworld, and now Jesus can only be painted in a negative context…let’s just pause for a moment please. This drama was revealed by Almine which she referenced as being 9 cycles ago. She has said two things: that the great flood was caused by Thoth, and that Enki watched from space while randomly creating the zodiac. Our land mass also went from one continent to separate land masses, according to Almine. Thoth lived with a goddess of lies – whom might she be? Then Thoth splits into TWO : one good who wants Mothers love, and one bad who plots to rule the world. Toltecs withdraw from society by now because black magic is increasing. The great flood may have been an axis tilt of the earth – I’m just trying to get through it all. So from these teachings one could gather that the Christ was indeed made of everlasting light and could weigh the effects of black magic, but the story of light’s shadow continues to decrease Christian morals and virtues. It is important if we are to take this seriously that we read the Bible, and our Anunnaki history to grasp the details. Without the details we cannot think for ourselves; and walk away with a new found reverence for Lucifer and a new found disdain for Christ.
There is no “reverence” for Lucifer. And the true nature of Christ|Thoth was already revealed back in ’07. She just hasn’t discussed it publicly because of collective spiritual immaturity and always someone having a meltdown over this.
Has Lucifer been able to incarnate? Thoth has not, but has the Christ? Is Lucifer more deserving of life than Jesus Christ or Thoth?
Thoth was a shadow, Lucifer is not, though his story is no more.
Please refer to the previous message about the Seer explaining and defending.
I respect that answer and you. I don’t think that there is a defense that needs to happen- this is more of an accumulation of information for me and others. For example, if Thoth was a shadow god as Almine described , how then is a shadow capable of splitting into light? As she described from 9 cycles ago? She has said he split into two. One light seeking mother’s love and one dark to rule the world…this is an interesting question, not a defensive one, and brings layers of potential understanding.
I recall this clear and accurate information from you, Beloved Almine, a few years ago.
Stunning as it was, I held Sacred Space about it and it began to come clear over time and every aspect of myself now resonates Truth with this.
Your Presence on our Planet is beyond measure.
My deepest Love and Respect for you🙏♥️✨🔔
I just want to take one step back and say something generic, but hopefully logical. I know we have many gifted ones in here picking up information, but…
The story of Jesus and the bible has been nothing more than a story. Before we get personally offended because of the possibly heretical things that are being said, we also have to understand that the story of Jesus has only been passed down by nothing more than a book written by humans, and passed down by a whole bunch of humans that are less Aware than you currently are. Your level of consciousness is way beyond anything of that time period.
I never got to ask Jesus what he thought personally, nor do I know him. To buy into a story is to buy into another illusion. If we don’t know the truth its better to go with nothing at all.
I am curious about an elaboration of how Thoth supposedly controlling Jesus thought to control humanity in any way. Humanity doesn’t seem to be very controllable in a focussed sense…
I am struck by the “coincidence” that just today, after many years of not attending a mass (I grew up in a Catholic home, but I have not identified as such for years), I went to one in memory of the recently deceased father of an acquaintance. The story containing a biblical passage moved me, I respected the moments (I forgot some details of the structure of the ceremony), but I did not take communion (what they call “eating the body of Christ”); I was not at peace with the figure/person of Jesus after what Almine had revealed, and I honored myself as well. When I pray or ask, I do so to the “Supreme Being”, to “God” beyond the traditions, dogmas and doctrines perpetuated by man. Deep Gratitude, Mother Almine, & Rogier; this is not just “any” truth, it is a great, great veil removed from humanity, spanning millennia 🙏💙🦋💐
WOW1 WOW1 WOW1 What a Bombshell1
Wow, so interesting. Another reveal as to Egypt and the “lightworkers” and humans think going there is such a “spiritual”, “light” full place to visit, it is actually full of black magic, treachery and traps. Deluded are ones attracted to such lies of illusion, become attracted to and explore in places filled with black magic, illsuion and treachery.
Without those records no one would believe he was capable of such deeds…precisely. Those beliefs are so incredibly DEEP. Going to take sometime for these uncomfortable truths to be exposed.
This is so very interesting, thank you beloved Almine for explaining this information.
I feel a strange sense of aha-moment, because I never connected with Jesus, and have always wondered why, perhaps this is why. On the other hand I have previously connected with his mother, Mary. I wonder what her role has been.
Dear Rogier and Almine,
Should a power sigil be ordered to heal this or was that the purpose of the Harechveesh Device we received April 9, 2024?
Thank you very much for this profound information! And thank you to Almine for her limitless courage!
There is nothing to heal here. She has spoken of Thoth‘s true nature for a long time. We can just infer from this latest message that the Vatican was his domain from the get go.
Thank you Rogier and Almine! Yes, this did make things very explicit.
Thank you, Beloved, for sharing the depth of your revelations about the origins of the Jesus saga and resorting to playing the messiah role to maintain massive control over humanity.
This is a timely reminder to look within at how we created this.
I think I remember Almine has previously said that the incarnation as Jesus was pure light. It’s like you have an immense being of massive darkness, capable of gruesome deeds, and only a small fraction of light. Because he couldn’t reincarnate again in ‘normally’ he managed to project only the light portion of his being into existence. So the incarnated person Jesus was light, but the bigger part of his soul was hidden, perhaps in other universes. Please know that this is just me trying to express the essence of what I remember, not Almine’s exact words.
Perhaps your perception of Jesus and Almine’s explanation makes more sense now, it certainly does for me 😊
My comment above was for Nikolaj 😊
It doesn’t changr fact that she completely contraduct herself according to what she said in Journey to the heart of God.And the FACT that I have a telepatic connection to The being that was Jesus Christ 2000+ years ago.And that she herself told me in that very clear vivid dream that it was extremely important I protected and helped her. Of course that all she knows. But I KNOW that SHE is the second coming. I know you all think I’m nuts. But just wait it Will happen. The pricess of peace will sit upon the throne of power. The current perfect master of our time which Almine has never recognised will pave the way.
She has, in fact, totally explained this.
I don’t understand. How? Where? I really would like to know.
She has revealed this sometimes at retreats, not so much publicly, except in the post titled, ‘Ningishzidda’ on this website. The short story is that he was a dear friend, until she was saddened to uncover his (hidden) darkness, around 2007. This darkness was hidden outside the cosmos, hence nothing could detect it here.
That’s Thoth you talk about. That is NOT Jesus Christ. It’s two different beings/Entities. And she has never ever talked about the FACT that there is a perfect master on planet earth NOW and there has been since 1957. He is far superior to.the seer. Maybe she has .mentioned it/him.in a retreat but I doubt it. If she has I like to.know. I will see him live in Barcelona in two days. Very exciting
It’s only about Thoth. Jesus Christ is NOT and has never been Thoth. And she is back. Whether you believe it or not. You will see soon.
They are the same. Freemasons know this, and the Vatican knows this.
Really? I rest my case. You make no sense and you don’t relate to what I say.
So tell me how does this corespond with what Almine herself has written? I think it was in journey to the heart of God. In there she saidJesus Christ was a way shower sendt to earth. And that it took seven generations to prepare his coming. What she says now is lunacy. I loose respect. I know Jesus is not anything bad. I have d direct telepatic communication with him/her. The second coming is happening. She is back. Soon the princess of peace will sit upon the throne of power. Almine even told me how important it is that I help to.make it happen. In a dream recently. But apparently she only know One thing. That the child is extremely important. Not who she is.
I have recordings of Almine’s teaching where she talks highly of Toth. But I guess at one point, she started to see deeper truth to this. THere are many lightworkers and starseeds who projct blind trust to Jesus as their spiritual guide but If you dig deeper, There is endless suspicious teaching and clues left by Jesus including the misaligned 4 directional teachings and the fact that his lineage became the loyal family of europe
WOW!………..Deep appreciation for such Truth…………
I had wondered about this too , thankyou for this in depth and information Almine
Yes. It is a joy to have another layer of this revealed. Being that we are one with all, it is all of us doing it to ourselves. Us doing it to us. No where else to look.
Absolutely FASCINATING…. Thank you for this information….
I have felt connected to the imagery and energy of Thoth much like many Christians feel connected to the imagery of Jesus. It has felt like such a positive, magical energy. And I felt that it was with me while I advanced on my ascension journey for a time. Is it just deceptive like that, or does that mean there is something inside of me that needs examining?
I also felt that same uplifting magical energy coming from under the baldachin at the Vatican when I visited, and that confused me because I had already accepted that Christianity was corrupted and was expecting to sense dark energies there.
I’m interested in learning more about this. Thank you for sharing these insights.
would you say jesus and the yeshuA were two different beings …. was christ the yeshuA and Jesus a fake like the muslim and jewish gods?
Wow. Thank you for this. Interestingly, I have been thinking of “God the Father” and Jesus very strongly for a couple of days (they aren’t usually in my awareness).
Thank you so very much for this timely message, Rogier and Almine. My love and deep gratitude to you both <3.
This is very illuminating and a very timely reminder why Self-Sovereignty is so important to us in our journey!! I am also certain that the Seer still has MANY illuminating revelations that would be of great interest to many of us!
Thank you Almine, for this clarity LPGTH