As given by the Seer
Who Is He?
Thoth is also known by the name Ningishzidda to the ancient rulers of Egypt and the Middle East. Beings that are extremely destructive to humanity, lose the right to have a human body. He lost the ability to have a human body after incarnating three times. One of the three times he incarnated in Ancient Greece as Hermes. The second time he ruled Atlantis as Thoth the Atlantean. He also incarnated one more time as the founder of one of the world’s major religions — doing many miracles to establish his legacy.
He was able to incarnate as this seeming benevolent religious leader, by splitting himself into his evil side and his light side. The light side incarnated and the dark shadow side (his other side) assisted him to do great magic. The splitting can only be done once. But he realized that even as a non-corporeal being he could wield a lot of influence (for example, as Quetzalcoatl in Meso-America).
What Destructive Deeds Has He Done?
He has been so active in destructive deeds, that it is difficult to enumerate them. As you remember who you are and live your godhood in humility, this shadow being becomes weaker. The main themes of his hostile actions have been to steal life force from others and reduce other competitors for world dominance. The most notable of his foul strategies, is that he is the creator and force behind the Secret World Government.
Although there were fifteen members of the Secret Government in February, 2005, there are only twelve members now.† They answer only to Thoth. They are responsible for much of the suffering of humankind.
†Yes, this will be addressed.
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Almine, you couldn’t have spelled it out more clearly, who is behind all of this. May we remember and live our Godhood
nin – blue
gish – yellow
zidda – red
Remember the demiurge behind all religions? In ‘Messages to Lightworkers’ (a few years ago) I remember Almine saying that this is why no religion has the “truth”. And more recently she said (but I can’t find where) that back in the days of Isis/Innana/Osiris there were 2 male shadow gods who ran the world, one over Africa and Mesopotamia, who became known as Yahweh, and another over the North.
The powerful magician Moses was dedicated to him and eventually swooped down and killed the Canaanites and took their land for his tribe.
But this same demiurge behind each religion has other names of course. So I suppose their principle Founders, although not each of them Thoth, are part of the same dystopian team.
Thank you! The “antidote” is to “remember who you are & rise up.”
This makes so much sense, brilliant to have the part about the secret government clarified, thank you so much. I’ve noted with interest that the “antidote” that is being proffered by so many now to the secret government control and deception is to “turn to Christ” and Christ will save us. It’s such a glaringly obvious loop system so I had my suspicions about who was behind the secret government in the first place, but having it confirmed is so appreciated. It’s been startling how much of the “conscious community” has been falling right into this trap too. So wonderful to have it reiterated that truly all we need to do is remember who we are and rise up.
Thank you so much! ♥
So grateful to have this clarified! Many questions remain, but I’m sure we will get all we need in time.
Thank you, most respected and beloved Almine. Thoth seems to have been one of the most incredible human ever on earth, a great scientist., being able to fly interplanetary and building the great pyramid at gizachristel. but he crossed the Infinite. He wanted to be God .. as he deified himself .so did Isis…. to control people.
wondering is this related to the thirteen families of Phoenicians…
So did this dark god reincarnate as Jesus?
Uh-huh 😉
I, like many original ones had interactions with Thoth over several lifetimes most not too good. I thought Almine has said that Thoth was dissolved a few years ago. Are these “followers” of Thoth now answerable to an illusion?
Ah HA! Interesting. I feel everything is right on schedule so to speak.
Didn’t the Infinite step in and start the process of eliminating the members in May? This one may take awhile to round them all up and send these dark gods away from this reality.
My heart breaks because I have loving family members that are devoted to this religion.
They also happen to be of great support to me. I could never imagine sharing this information with them. What is the antidote?
I don’t think we yet know which religion it is.
I am so grateful for these pieces, dearest Almine and Rogier
They answer only to Thoth…its like Lord of the Rings… There were 9…”The nine ” one ring to rule all rings….