Why do many who advocate peace, engage so willingly in taking sides in any interpersonal conflict they can find, even if it’s got nothing to do with them directly?
The Seer:
The answers are manifold, but to make a few as succinct as possible:
- They never did the necessary self-work to progress beyond the very basic stages of this journey into godhood in expression. In the second phase of any level of mastery, the challenge is to not get addicted to conflict. (Conflict enforces density — so the addiction to conflict is really an addiction to density.) Mystics call this phase the phase of ‘jumping on the bandwagon’, of finding a cause to defend.
- Lack of self love makes individuals who feel unlovable, settle instead for finding self-worth by feeling needed. This results in people who are protective of others (whether it’s their responsibility or not) and defensive of the self
The question has been asked why I don’t clarify and explain my actions so that others will not condemn them. But I genuinely live by the following teachings:
- A luminous being as vast as the cosmos has nothing to defend nor justify. Living from one’s highest vision is to live in innocence.
- To accept the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional. Because wayshowers have traditionally not understood that evolution does not mean compliance with the hostilities of others, they have attracted the social pariahs who have coped by exploiting the gullibility of others.
- The ones who criticize and divide, by judging and slandering another, have been walking like wolves among the lambs. Not valuing the stupendous magnitude of the tools and holy teachings we have received, they have been drawn instead to the comfort of believing others will “save” them and that belonging to such an illustrious gathering of truth seekers must surely mean they are exceptional too. They have been attached to their fellow students or teacher in a codependent way that in their folly they believe will give them the right to control them.
If I were drawn into explaining and defending, I may deprive them of the opportunity to fail, and failure is life’s way of sorting what is worth keeping and what is not.
Explaining yourself in general comes with a barrage of issues. When does it end? Will you keep explaining if they don’t like your answers and/or have more questions? What if you have a magnitude of followers, are you going to answer each and every one of them? Not to mention the division of those who keep the majority of questions to themselves, and/or the ones who shower you with questions, which will you value more.
It’s a never ending game. Sometimes there’s wisdom in letting the pieces fall as they may.